SANDRO PALMEIRA TURNED OFF his cell phone and leaned his head on the back of the car and it felt like he had an iceberg in his belly.

This is by far the worst situation I've ever faced in my life... coincidentally, it might be the last...

Sandro tried to think of something about his wife and son, but for the time being they were fine, maybe they were just watching them so that he did what they wanted, he tried to think positively, but the simple fact of being possible hostages of a people who created Nazism already it made her stomach turn.

One problem at a time, first I have to save the world from a third great war, then I will rescue them...

THE CAR STOPPED in front of the main entrance of Guarulhos International Airport.

— You stay here.

— Thank you very much.

She got out of the car and put her backpack on her back, when she turned to continue walking a very well dressed girl, but a little flustered, bumped into him.

— Forgive me,— they said together.

Sandro got up first and helped her.

— I'm sorry,— he began, — I wasn't paying attention.

— Neither do I, I'm late for my flight, it's my first time flying and I'm really nervous.

Sandro looked at his watch and realized he was too and they entered the airport together.

— Pardon the indiscretion, but where are you going?

Considering his usual clothes, he almost looked like a beggar next to her.

— Berlin, how about you?

— Serious? Me too, it's the first time I travel by plane... — She stopped and noticed that she had already said that.

— Nice, I hope you like it, it's a very good experience, the first time is always unforgettable...

Karina tried not to notice what Sandro had said, but wherever she went, that sentence haunted her...

The first time is always unforgettable...

— Everything is fine with you? Suddenly, you seemed to me...

She interrupted him, returning to fullest joy.

— Of course, of course... after all, I'll be traveling by plane for the first time, there's no way not to be special, right?

Sandro nodded and they went together to the service station.

They checked in and everything went as smoothly as possible.

SANDRO FOUND HIS PLACE and sat down, put on a headset and tried to relax a little, when he opened his eyes he realized that the girl was sitting next to him.

— Is it just me or are we meeting too much?

Sandro smiled at the coincidence.

— My name is Sandro.

— Mine is Karina.

— Much pleasure.

— So, Sandro, what do you do for a living?

— I'm a police officer in the São Paulo State Investigations Department.

— Wow, that's cool, must be really cool, I had several friends who were arrested by people like you.

Sandro thought it was one of the strangest natural things for the girl to speak like that.

— It's just that I work entertaining people.— She gave him a wink.

She must be good at it, after all, being dressed like that and being a prostitute...

Suddenly, a man in a cassock arrives, he just nodded asking permission to sit next to them.

A priest, a policeman and a prostitute, that's a lot of coincidence in this world — she thought, amused.

A few minutes after everyone was ready, the stewardess gave the general instructions and the plane began to taxi onto the runway and took off.