MARIA ENTERED THE ROOM where the Führer was, he greeted her, but she remained motionless.

— Don't you think it's very petulance of you not to respond to my greeting?

'Don't you think it's very petulance for people who work for you to kill my son for nothing?'

— Apparently, you already know everything, Maria.

— I should have known that, yes, you were smarter than that.

He nodded satisfied.

— In a few minutes Marianne will be here and bring the Teleforce blueprints, I'm sure you can get it working again.

— If no one but Tesla has done it all these years, what makes you think I can do it?

— I have my convictions that both you and he were geniuses. twins, made great strides giving us the most diverse technologies that humanity still didn't dream of having, in addition to the fact that...

— Having been lovers, is that what you meant?

— I expressed myself badly, I just wanted to say that everything you did was for a greater purpose, our purpose… that's all.

— Your purpose, in this case.

— Let 's say so because we can't find another word that fits the moment more perfectly.

The Führer joined her and gently offered her his arm for her to accompany him:

— Let's welcome your daughter together and put an end to this unease that has remained between us.

The FÜHRER, MARIA and all officers were in the safe area of the airstrip when the Foo Fighter suddenly appeared in plain sight, all luminous hovering in the air.

— It's even more amazing than when we first saw it, don't you think, Maria?

Maria didn't respond and walked down the stairs as the aircraft landed quietly and as quietly as one could imagine.

The door opened and a woman of apparently sixty came out and Maria realized by the beauty that it was her daughter, who by irony of fate, was older than her.

Marianne went down to Maria and hugged her.

— He was happy to see you awake, I've waited a long time for this moment, it's even more beautiful than the pictures.

— And you've become a great pride to me.

Marianne handed her the Teleforce blueprints, she studied it for a brief moment and then rolled her eyes again.

— Then? — Said the Führer.

— Not only can it be done, we have already started the project, only the triggering device that will have to be found, which obviously I have already forwarded my best subordinate, he purposely did not put it in the plant, he probably wanted to have some advantage over the American government.

— Or about us.

— I wouldn't doubt it, but there's another problem.

— What is it this time?

— The code, we're going to have to figure out what 3-6-9 means.

— What the hell is this, Maria?

— It's in the blueprint, and it was a code he used in his day-to-day, we never talked about it, but the project blueprint is full of this reference.

— SUMI can't help us?

— SUMI is not a catalog that I open when I want and extract the information at my pleasure, it only informs me of relevant things.

— But this is relevant.

— It's relevant to you, not to him.

IN THE OTHER CORNER OF THE SHED, Josef Mengele was smiling, satisfied with everything that was happening.

My plan is better than I planned, soon we will be able to make the — true ruler of this land— resurrect in all his glory...

The pupils of his eyes narrowed like reptiles do and he went back to hiding in the absolute darkness without anyone noticing his presence.