THEY ARRIVED in the cargo hold and the priest stared at his cell phone.

It's almost at the exact point for us to jump...

— Put that parachute on, I believe you'll need it to get there safely.

— We're in the middle of the Atlantic, it wouldn't do any good to jump in, get safely down there and die, either of starvation or eaten by some shark.

The priest pointed the pistol again.

— You can die right here if you want to.

SANDRO STARTED WEARING his parachute when the priest received the signal on his cell phone.

— It's time for you to jump.

Father Denner punched in the code and the door opened.

— Come on…jump now.

At that moment Karina hit him hard on the head, but the priest didn't faint, he got a little dizzy enough for her to give him a push, however, the force of the suction pulled her too.


Sandro took the second parachute that was beside him and jumped.