The President looked at the Secretary of Security who showed the satellite image of a well-aimed shot in Antarctica.

— Do you know what John was talking about?

— Not yet, sir.

— Work on it, Harris, we can't let the death of our country's greatest hero go in vain.

— Sir...— said another from the terminal next door, — I think we found out what he was talking about.

Josef Mengele's image appeared on the monitor.

— Today is a beautiful day, Mr President, I would like to thank you for the incredible work your man has done for us in freeing our god and leader, know that on behalf of Lord Marduk I thank you.

The image is gone.

— Who is this bastard, Nolan?

— I'm sorry to say, Mr President, but we're seeing someone who should have been dead a long time ago... Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death...