ENKI?... FOR A LONG TIME I was the keeper of this ring... as well as those who came before me, and all those who will come after, we have to protect the secret...

— Sir?

He nodded on his bed. The pain was now unbearable...

— The girl you wanted us to bring is here.

He gave a satisfied smile.

The pain can't stop me... not now...

— I'm glad you're here, honey, I'm glad your grandmother was able to save you.

— As you know?

— I know many things that you will soon know too...

She knelt beside him.

— I thought you were dead.

— In a way, I'm...


BEC WAS ABOUT to kill him, but as if he were an angel sent, Carlos Mendonza at the last moment entered the room:

— Why are you here?

— I came to kill this man,— said the beautiful dark-eyed assassin, recognizing her former lover.

— He's only got a week to live at most.

She looked at him and realized he was telling the truth...

What death would be better than suffering?

— I know it wasn't like that, my dear Nika.

— You don't know anything, old man...

And left.


— BUT THERE'S SOMETHING you need to do for me, my dear.

Walter handed her the ring.

— You need to protect him… that's your mission.

Walter smiled.

— But what do I do with it?

— You will help save the world, my dear, that's what the serpent guardians do.

— Serpent Guardians?

— We've been here for as long as the world has been, but you must have noticed that things are happening around you.

She nodded.

— The great evil that once ravaged this world is being reborn, one day we share knowledge with the world and unleash a series of things that shaped the world as it is today.

Karina looked as if she didn't understand anything.

— Have you ever heard the story of the serpent in paradise?—

'Who gave Eva the apple?'

Walter smiled.

— There are things that have always been staring in people's faces, that's the best secret code there is, when everyone sees it but can't interpret it correctly.

— Do you mean to say that...

— Yes... the snake never made reference to the devil, but to an alien race that created humanity, the Anunnakis...

— But...

— At the right time you will discover the truth, my dear... at the right time...—

Walter pulled his granddaughter's head up to where he could kiss her forehead.

— I need to rest a little, my dear Karina...

Unfortunately I can't say the same about you...

Walter never opened his eyes again.

As Karina admired the ring, Carlos pointed his gun at her and said:

— Give me the ring, Karina.