SANDRO, MARIA AND BERNARDO arrived and saw Carlos putting Karina in a car.

— We arrived too late.

— Not yet...

Maria ran faster than the two of them and jumped in front of the car and broke the windshield throwing her to the side.

Sandro took advantage of the moment when Carlos had lost control of the car and jumped with both feet on the already fragile windshield and hit Carlos Mendonza squarely in the chest, who luckily for Sandro, a shard of glass stuck in his chest.

BERNARDO HELPED SANDRO out when the police arrived, Sandro showed the badge he had and was put aside.

— Are you okay?

Karina nodded, however, seeing Maria, she ran to meet her.

— Grandma... talk to me... please...

Maria caressed her granddaughter's face.

— I'm glad you're okay, sweetheart.

— You'll be fine too... we'll...

— Of course... I'm going to meet my lover... just never forget me.

— Do not say silly things.

— No honey, cryonics has a flaw, I haven't stopped aging at this point and now my body is screaming my true age, but it was worth it just to know my bloodline is in you.

Suddenly, Maria made a slight effort to remove something from the back of her neck and Karina felt a slight prick on the back of her neck.

— I hope SUMI helps you on your journey as it helped me.