- Emerge -

I am very stunned at the moment. Knowledge kept flowing into my mind like water from a dam that burst during a natural catastrophe, while my "Brain" tried to understand and assimilate the unfathomable amount of information it received every second, I on the other hand, deep inside me I tried not to cry and to appease the torrent of feelings that wanted to unleash in me.

Now it was a diamond, more specifically, it was White Diamond… The first thing I thought after hearing this news was that it had somehow been reincarnated in the Steven Universe series, a somewhat stupid theory if you ask me, since as far as I know, this only happens in movies or anime, however, I was living it at that very moment, so I had to face reality and accept that, in fact, it was a great possibility.

But the question that most rolled through my mind is: - "Why?" and it just didn't make sense, I don't remember having made any deal with the typical crazy "god" of the Isekai or having sold my soul to a cosmic entity, so why? Why me?

I couldn't finish putting together crazy theories or nonsensical assumptions when suddenly and without any warning, the knowledge that silently filtered into my head, finished loading into my metaphorical "brain" and then I came to a conclusion: - "Now this is my reality, and by making theories and assumptions I am not going to answer any of my doubts, so I must emerge and see what the future holds for me"

With that train of thought and with all the willpower I could muster, I concentrated on shaping the giant mass of humanoid light in front of me, and it was huge, I don't know how, but I knew that if I emerged with that Apparently my height would be 60 meters tall, and somehow, I knew that this was not the maximum height I could reach, since if I wanted to, I was very sure that this body could reach a height of about 100 meters at most.

However, it would be very inconvenient and impractical to be that stupidly big, so the first thing I changed was the height, leaving my body only 15 meters tall, which you may think is still too much, but considering I don't know where am I going to emerge or what kind of dangers will be out there, having a large size is the most prudent thing to do.

The next thing I did was choose my look, and I won't lie to you that it was the most fun thing I've done in a long time. I felt as if I was creating my game character in an RPG... Back on topic, the first thing I did was define my gender, which would obviously be male, I don't know why all the gems in the series always chose a female form, but well, the next thing I did was choose my outfit, which was a copy of the clothes worn by the real white diamond, but with some minor changes, for example, I changed the heels for a pair of high boots and I removed the shoulder pads, leaving only the cape, which I thought was great.

At some point I wanted to try to change the color of my clothes, but it didn't feel comfortable, it made me feel very unnatural, somehow, it's as if something inside me told me that I used white instead of any other color, like this I listened to that voice inside me and got rid of the strange colored clothes, leaving only a gleaming and immaculate white.

I also opted to wear pants, as the original White Diamond wore an outfit that looked like a full body swimsuit. I left my nails black, as well as the inner part of my cape, which seemed to keep the universe itself inside, since, in it, small crystals shone like millions of stars. Another thing I changed was my hair, which, instead of letting it have a weird spiky look, I left it quite long, falling all the way down to my lower back, giving me a Greek god-like look if you ask me.

The last thing I did was try to change my gem's position, by the way, my gem was strangely small, this was a small sphere of 3 centimeters in diameter with polygonal patterns, but I knew that it was harder than a diamond and much more powerful than the 4 original diamonds together.

In the end, I decided to leave her on my stomach, which was her original position, what I did differently is hide her inside my body, to make her less vulnerable, I don't know if all the gems in the series can do what I did, because if all gems can do it, then I don't understand why they choose to leave their gem so exposed, which is a very obvious weakness if you ask me.

With all the changes made, I carefully observed my creation, a muscular, masculine body, with a well-defined face and the aura of an emperor, I looked at his gray eyes with diamond-shaped pupils for a few seconds before finally deciding to emerge, to do so I only had to think about waking up and immediately a familiar feeling of weightlessness invaded me, only to see everything around me sink into a blinding white light for a few seconds before feeling my body again.

I opened my eyes for the first time since I was reincarnated and the first thing I said when looking at my surroundings attentively for a few minutes was:

- BUT WHERE THE WHORES AM I SUPPOSED TO BE?! I screamed, generating with my scream a strong seismic wave that swept millions of tons of desert sand around me. An arid desert landscape unlike anything I had seen in my life expanded before me, and in the sky, you could see the universe itself, with hundreds of northern lights of all colors adorning the sky, I was on a planet with 3 moons, and the sun instead of being a familiar yellow was a deep red, and behind me, there was a huge hole the shape of my body and 170 kilometers deep, the hole I emerged from...

This was definitely not the home planet or any other place I know of from the Steven Universe...