Chapter One

Katie Collins was on the run from her ex fiance, Jacob. A man who constantly watched her every move, made rude remarks about her body and appearance (especially since she was carrying his child), then physically put his hands on her when something doesn't go his way. Such as if Katie doesn't clean the house correctly or if the food that she cooked wasn't what he wanted. It's the little things that she does that brings his wrath. Katie always has to lie for Jacob, since he worked as a CEO in a high-paying job at a local bank. If she reported his abuse to the cops it would ruin his career and would only bring more pain toward Katie.

'If you ever and I mean EVER report whatever happens in this house, every bone in your fat body will be broken. That is not a guarantee, it's a promise.'

Those words rang in her head every single day and that made her more afraid of Jacob. After that threat, Katie started making excuses if anybody says anything about her bruises or broken body parts. Did anybody actually believe what excuse she came up with? Maybe, maybe not. But not one person said anything other than ' I'm sorry' before going on with their day.

The abuse has been going on for over a year, some days were better than others. The only time that Jacob hits or yells at her is when he's at work, on a business trip, hanging out with his buddies or IF he comes down with a sickness. Even with being sick, the man was an asshole.

Don't get Katie wrong, when she first met Jacob, he was a very kind man. Everything that he is doing now, he never did when they first bumped into each other.

They met at a bar, weird right? Katie was sitting alone at a bar, drinking a sunset margarita. When she felt somebody sit next to her. In the corner of her eye, she sees the most attractive man that she ever laid eyes on. He was about 6'2, and you can tell that the man had a six pack.

'My goodness, that is one good looking man.' Katie thought, trying not to stare and creep him out. Somehow he noticed, and a slight smirk crossed his face.

"Hi there." He says, turning his attention to the 5'0, redish-blonde hair woman who, he-knew, was staring at him. "The name is Jacob, what is yours, gorgeous?"

Katie's face brightened as red as her hair. "Kathryn, but please call me Katie."

That only made Jacob smile wider, and he turned his entire body, so that it was completely facing her. "Katie, a pretty name for a pretty lady."

The compliment made her face redden even more, making the man chuckle.

"Ms. Katie, can I buy you a drink?"

(See how nice he actually was? Katie isn't sure what happened to that.)

Katie could not NOT take that offer, after all...he was hot.

After having a drink or four, Jacob walked down the street beside Katie. They were both under the influence and decided it was best to just walk home, instead of driving.

Jacob cleared his voice, placing his hand into hers. "What were you doing alone in a bar for? There are a ton of creeps that can hurt you."

Katie felt a bit of tension between the two, even felt something off with the guy who was walking beside her, but she shrugged that feeling off of her shoulders. "I had a long day at work and just needed a drink to relax me."

"I see. Work has been stressful for me, as well. Reason why I came to the bar, is too get my mind off of my job." Jacob sighs, running a hand through his long, wavy blonde hair.

Katie nodded in understandment, work is just pure chaous. "Where do you work? if you don't mind me asking."

"I currently work in a bank, not too far from here. Hopefully I will get this CEO promotion soon, so that I can boss around these idiots. Do you know how tough it is, to work in a job full of people who only cares about themselves? I hate it." Jacob responded, with irriation in his voice that could slice somebody in half.

Katie felt the same way, sort of. She worked a full time job as a manager and bartender at Applebees on Maine street. Every guest that comes in, demands this or that, tries running her over when she is waiting tables too. Not to mention that the employees is ruder than satan entering a church, as her mother would say. What Jacob said was an understatement.

"This is my home, thank you for the drinks and the walk home." Katie says, with a soft smile as she pulled out her house keys and stood in front of the double doors.

The man that she only knew four hours, walked up behind her and placed a kiss across her rosy cheeks. "Rosy, that is your new nickname. I enjoyed tonight, I really did. If it's okay with you...may I have your number?"

'A hot and sexy man wants my number?' Katie thought, and tried acting cool around him.

"Of course you can!" She placed her number in contacts on his cellphone, before handing it back. Jacob smiled widely before taking a step back.

Jacob gave her a cute smile, showing both of his dimples that can make any woman pass out. "Well, Rosy...I hope you have a wonderful night and cannot wait to see you again."

After saying that, Jacob disappeared into the night, leaving her heart feeling warm and happy.

What Katie didn't know is, that feeling won't last long. That man will show his true colors and her life would be on the run from things that she never knew would happen.

People aren't always who they say they are.