
"Can I even survive here?" she asked, rising off the horse and bracing herself against a wall in an alley with no one around.

"I wonder if you have any other family members," she said as the horse began to glow white and then transformed into a white husky with blue eyes. Her eyes widened as she stared at him, but all the animal did was rub its head against her foot and she smiled.

"So you are a shapeshifter; could you show me what you can transform into?" She inquired as it transformed into a small deer, then into a massive black and white tiger with spots.

"You are incredible," she said.

"I want to keep you," she said, her eyes twinkling as the animal transformed into a small white snake, and crawled up her hand then wrapped itself around her neck.

"I will protect you for now," the snake said, and the girl gasped.

"You- you spoke," she yelled, and it laughed.

"I did, I am a magical creature of various kinds, so I can communicate with anyone, and for the time being, I have chosen to protect and guide you in this world until you are able to find your own way," it said, and she sighed in relief.

"It's already dark, do you have a name?" she questioned.

"You can call me snow because I am white; also, there is an inn nearby; with the money you have, take a room and be very careful; the world you have entered is more dangerous than you can possibly imagine; you are lucky to have only met nice people so far," it replied as she walked the busy streets under the glistening moonlight.

"Why do I feel so weak?" she questioned as she went into the inn and reserved a room.

"You have the green gem, it could be drawing energy from your body, you haven't accepted it as yours," the snake said as she went to her room on the top floor, sat on the bed, sighed, and took out the glowing diamond.

"I can make it yours, do you plan on surviving here no matter what?" the snake asked.

"Yes, I do, I wanted a new adventure and I finally got one, besides I don't think I have much of a choice," she replied, and the snake's eyes began to glow green like the gem.

"Okay, then I'll make you the owner after all. The man who gave it to you essentially chose you, these are rare too," the snake spoke as the gem came directly to the girl's face and the coldness from it pierced her body, causing her pain, but she endured it until the gem vanished in a flash of light.

"Where did it go?" she wondered as she fell unconscious on the bed, and the snake used its mouth to pull the sheet over her, covering her.

"I have a good feeling about you being here; I think things will get better now," the snake said as it curled up beside the girl.

Nessa awoke the next morning, she stretched out and looked at the snake beside her.

"After all, it wasn't a dream; all I have to worry about now is finding a way to survive," Nessa said as the snake opened its eyes and she smiled.

"Good morning," Nessa said.

"Good morning, miss," it replied.

"Ah, Snow, I am sorry if I disturbed your sleep," she apologized.

"You didn't; I need to teach you how to live here; can you use a sword?" Snow questioned.

"Perhaps there was a dojo nearby where I used to live, I used to use a piece of wood and practice alongside the teacher, I did it because I was bullied a lot," Nessa responded, and Snow's eyes glowed blue.

"Got it, I'll prepare you, use the money you have to get food, clothes, and other necessities," it said.

'It's helping me and I have no clue what it really wants or if it has ulterior motives, though I appreciate it,' she thought.

"Thank you, you are a huge help, I am pretty sure I would have been doomed by now if you hadn't been here," Nessa replied as the snake stared at her with sparkly eyes.

"I will be here for you, you need someone or something in your life," it said as Nessa got out of bed, removed her top, and the snake turned away immediately as Nessa went to freshen up.

"She is hot and carefree, have manners," the snake murmured as a frown appeared on Nessa's face and cold water ran down her body.

'I have been given a second chance in a place where no one knows me; please let me have a good life this time, with people I can care about, though this world is not that safe,' she thought as tears streamed down her cheeks and the snake heard her.

"I will assist you," the snake said before disappearing.

Nessa finished her bath and came out wrapped in a towel, only to find the snake laying on the bed with new clothes beside her.

"Don't ask how I got it, they are for you, wear it," the snake said as he closed his eyes and Nessa began changing.

'This is cool,' Nessa said as she examined herself in the mirror and fixed her hair.

The girl was dressed in long light black leather pants, high top leather booths with purple linings, a dark blue spandex vest, and a black flair bottom cloak with silver buttons and a zip to close the front along with a belt around the waist showing her body shape and a blue marking on the side of the hood.

"There is a pocket within the cloak for concealing items such as weapons, as well as a glove," the snake said as it looked at the girl, and Nessa smiled.

"Thank you very much, Snow, it's really soft inside, comfortable, climb on," Nessa said, extending her hand, and the snake wrapped itself around Nessa's neck.

'I am not going to put the hood on just yet," Nessa stated.

'Whatever makes you happy, as long as you are not uncomfortable, I am fine," Snow responded as Nessa placed the money in her pocket and exited the room.