King's opinion

Later that night, after Nessa had finished freshening up in the maids' quarters, which were quite neat and comfortable, she had dinner and fed Akio before returning to her duties for the night, which included taking care of the king, while Akio remained hidden within her shadows.

'I knew I wanted to meet the king, but I never expected to be able to meet him so soon, though this is better, I have been away from the town for a while now, and I have a feeling I won't be going back anytime soon,' Nessa thought as she entered the king's room and saw him sitting on the bed.

"Your highness," She said and he looked at her and then smiled. 

"Nessa, I just finished freshening up, I am glad to see you," He replied and she smiled. 

"Wait, I'll be right back," She said then left and went to the kitchen, where she took out his dinner and a glass of milk and took it to his room, where he looked at her as she placed the tray on his bed.