The daughter

After Nessa finished speaking with Tina, she returned to work while the prince searched for the person who sent the message to the princess, which he was very angry about and was becoming even more enraged because he wasn't getting any information about who did it.

Later that afternoon, while Nessa was washing the dishes in the kitchen, the prince entered and she and Tina both looked at him.

Tina bowed her head and said, "Your highness."

"I have a question for both of you," He said. 

"What is it, your highness?" Nessa asked. 

"We kept the king's illness from his children for various reasons; did any of you send the princess a message about it?" He asked. 

"How could we when we don't even know how to get in contact with them?" Tina asked. 

"Exactly, we don't even know them, and we had no idea they didn't know," Nessa said and the prince sighed.