Youngsters' energy

When Nessa awoke the next morning, she stretched, then got out of bed and went to freshen up because she didn't want to waste time since she had a lot of Orcs to name and it would probably take a while.

Nessa got dressed after finishing her morning routine, then left her house to meet the others who had already started working at their usual time every day.

"Good morning, guys," She said. 

"Good morning, lady Nessa," The citizens replied and she smiled. 

"Good morning, had breakfast as yet, my lady?" Aion asked as he approached her and she smiled. 

"Good morning and no, I think I will just have fruits, I ate a lot last night," She responded. 

"I see, then I will go get you the best of the best," He said as he rushed off and she chuckled. 

"He's so energetic, so early in the morning, good morning," Youthim said as he approached Nessa and she glanced at him.