
"You want to go with me, Riki?" She asked and he smiled. 

"Yes, I'd like to accompany you; is that a problem? Can I?" He inquired, and she sighed, before turning to face the others.

"Why do you want to go, Riki?" She asked. 

"Because I want to, it's as simple as that, not more to it," He responded and Nessa sighed as he looked at her, awaiting an answer. 

"He is more stubborn than the rest of us, lady Nessa but you already knew that, he won't take no as an answer," Dalia said and Nessa smiled then patted Dalia on the shoulder. 

"Fine, if you really want to tag along, then no problem, we will go," She replied.

"Really?" Riki asked.

"Yeah, if you don't like being in the cold, I recommend you get a jacket from the tailor; we'll be there by tonight if we leave now." He grinned as she responded.

"I will don't need a jacket my lady, the cold doesn't bother me," He said and she chuckled.