
After hearing that they were hungry, Liya along with Dalia and Vill brought out dinner and placed it on the table which aroma Nessa sniffed in and smiled before getting up. 

"Now, that smells great," She said and Liya chuckled. 

"Villa and I made dinner and Dalia helped out with it, have a seat and eat your dinner lady Nessa, you need it," Liya replied and Nessa smiled before sitting down, after which Riki and the others joined them and Nessa took her food then poured herself a glass of cold juice and drank it. 

"That felt good," Nessa said and Liya chuckled. 

"Thank you for the meal," She added as she bowed her head. 

"You are welcome," They replied then Nessa began eating.

While eating, Nessa's thoughts turned to their guest, and she sighed, wondering what had happened and when she would wake up.

"Lady Nessa, what are you thinking about?" Zeitaz asked as he approached them and Nessa looked at him with a gentle smile.