To a new place

"It's time for me to leave, thank you, Liya and thank you Riki, for agreeing to take care of this place, I know that you guys will protect everyone as well as each other," She said and Riki patted her on the shoulder then she smiled. 

"You better take care lady Nessa, I really don't think you should go, but we know that you are also doing what's best for us, no matter what you always do that, be careful and do no let anyone fool you or so on, I am sorry," Liya said and Nessa chuckled then patted her on the head. 

"It's okay, Liya, I know that you are just worried and I really appreciate it, but I want you guys to focus on yourselves as well and be careful, got it?" She asked. 

"Got it," Liya responded as everyone gathered before them then bowed their heads and Nessa jumped, but Dalia grabbed onto her hand, then she sighed since she was still not used to that.