
"Who the hell do you think you are?" The brunette girl said and Nessa grabbed her by her neck, choking her as her eyes glowed blue. 

"Don't aggravate me any further, I said I dislike people like you, don't make me make you incapable of moving for the rest of your life, you wanted to give me a warning, today I will let you off with one," She responded before throwing the girl into her leader, and he grabbed her as she coughed and pawned for breath. 

"Y-you're insane," The girl mumbled. 

"Yeah, I know I am, now I suggest you listen carefully, if you want to live, from today on you won't come anywhere near this shop or Shawn, I see you troubling anyway, as long as I am here, I will give you the beating of a lifetime and there will be nothing you can do about it, got it?" She asked with an intimidating aura and the girl jumped, then rushed out if the shop, nodding.