To stay awake

A while after, when Nessa finished freshening up, she got dressed then closed the windows and looked at Teruo and Isamu and saw that they took a corner of the bed to sleep and she smiled before getting into the bed and they looked at her. 

"Well, you two sure are comfy," She said and they nodded. 

"Good night, sweet dreams, lady Nessa," Teruo replied and she patted him on the head then Isamu. 

"Good night, guys," She said. 

"Good night," Isamu replied as she covered with the blanket and a while after, she fell asleep along with them since she was very tired.

The next morning, when Nessa woke up, she stretched off and saw Teruo was still sleeping by her foot side and she stretched off then he opened his eyes and looked at her. 

"Good morning, lady Nessa," He said. 

"Good morning guys," She replied as Isamu approached her and she passed her hand on their heads before getting out of bed after which she sighed and wiped her eyes.