Separate bags

After hearing what Sophia said, Nessa knew if they were indeed bad she won't have to worry that much since she would have help in dealing with them and she knew how to start. 

"Well, Sophia, if they are bad you won't have to worry, I will help in handling it," Nessa said and Sophia smiled at her. 

"We will help as well, you don't even have to ask; besides, I have a feeling something is seriously wrong with this situation, especially with that girl; why is she so fixated on the diamond?" Yonja inquired, and Nessa sighed, knowing that they were probably after the power it held, but little did they know that the crystal had already vanished from existence.

"I am pretty sure they are not going to find what they are looking for," Nessa said and they looked at her. 

"What makes you say that?" Ian asked.