"Connected, how?"

After they finished speaking with the guild master, he sighed because he understood everything he was told, but he was concerned about the outcome if the king remained in his current position.

Nessa and the others looked at the guild master, who lowered his head, unsure what to say to them because he was still perplexed by everything he had heard.

Nessa stood up and tapped him on the shoulder, and he looked at her, and she smiled, realizing that the connection between him and the previous king and queen was strong, but she didn't know why, and she wanted to find out why as well, but this time she intended to ask for an answer rather than go behind his back and investigate.

"I understand how all of this sounds to you, and it may be more difficult for you than we think, but we need to know if you will support us in whatever we do to take them down next," Nessa said, and he sighed before smiling at her.