
After hearing what the prince said about what's going on with Nessa, the others didn't know what to say, they just stood there staring at Nessa, wondering what they could actually do to help her. 

The prince tried easing the pain within her body, but then realized that he couldn't do it, since it was not caused by any injury nor was it physically. 

The prince looked at Nessa, wondering what he could do to help her but no matter what came to his head, he couldn't try it on her since he didn't know if it would actually help her or just make everything worse. 

The prince placed his hand on her chest and was about to go try another one of his talents when her eyes opened and he flinched as her body glowed bright green and blue, releasing an energy wave and everyone gasped since it shook the room, escaping the guild. 

"What the hell was that?" Yonja asked as the prince took his hand off of Nessa and stood up.