
After a while of going around and asking people a few different questions, Nessa exhaled deeply, then stretched off before sitting on a bench by a sidewalk.

The demon glanced at her then approached her and she looked at him. 

"Just like no kingdom is perfect, it's the same here, it's not perfect," He said and she glanced at him as she looked at the people within the city then scoffed. 

"You are right and I know, no kingdom is perfect, no matter how some may try to make it that way..." She replied as she thought of what could happen now, especially with the enemy they were currently facing. 

"You are right, even if the leader is great, there are sometimes that cannot be changed, but, that doesn't mean it should be left alone, am I right?" He asked and she glanced at him with her brows furrowing and he sighed then looked up at the sky.