
Nessa glanced at the seal, then exhaled deeply since she was worried about the dragon and didn't want anything to happen to him as well and she placed her hand on the seal. 

"Is it stable?" She asked. 

[Yes, the seal is currently stable and will be for a while more, if it ever becomes unstable, you will be the first one to know and you can keep it intact when it does, but for how much longer it will last after the first time, only time will tell.]

"I see, well, make sure to let me know just in case I don't pay attention and focus on it, got it?" Nessa asked. 

[I will let you know if anything happens, you can rest easy for now.]

"Got it, also, take off the seal you placed around the room so that I could talk to him, there is no need for that one, however, keep the other one going, can you do that?" Nessa asked. 

[I can and it's completed.]

"That's good, thank you," Nessa said.