Way to put it

The king took Nessa and the demon to the garden, which was right in the castle yard and had a great view of the hills as well as the stream and the air there was fresh and cool. 

Nessa smiled as the fresh air brushed against her cheeks and the king smiled as he saw how relaxed she looked at the moment and the demon glanced at her. 

The girl's hair blew up in front of her face and before she could remove it, the demon got closer to her and the king glanced at him, as did Nessa. 

He moved her hair from before her face, placing it behind her ear and her brows furrowed as she looked at him and the king smiled a little. 

"There," He said as he moved away from her and she turned away from him then smiled. 

"Thank you," She replied and he looked at her. 

"You are welcome," He said and the king chuckled then exhaled deeply and Nessa glanced at him, noticing that he looked calm but at the same time disturbed.