Changed behavior

The king sighed after Jovan came forth, he didn't want unnecessary trouble and hoped that they would understand what he wanted to do was only for the good of his kingdom, putting personal feelings aside. 

The king glanced at his daughter, who remained quiet at the time, since she didn't know whether it was the right moment for her to intervene or not and didn't want to cause more trouble for her father. 

Mikala looked at Nessa, whom she noticed eyes were fixed on Jovan and Miakala's brows furrowed, wondering why she was looking at him like that, then she sighed. 

'I hope they don't do anything stupid here, I am really not in the mood for anyone's nonsense right now, I just feel like going to bloody sleep,' Nessa thought and the demon glanced at her, noticing that she seemed as though she had lost interest in what was happening.