Marked, an ability

Everyone stared at Nessa and Dalia's eyes trembled as did her hands as she stepped forward and the girl that was in front of Nessa smirked, while looking at her and tears came to Dalia's eyes. 

"Nessa..." Mikala mumbled and the king's brows furrowed as he looked on. 

"Lady Nessa!" Riki shouted as he killed the enemies before his eyes, trying to reach to Nessa. 

"Oh? Too bad, you tried to save your friend and ended up taking your own life in the process, well, it doesn't matter, you people are so weak, no, not people, weak monsters," She mocked as she looked down on Dalia, who clenched her fist. 

"You.... I will kill you," Dalia said as her body began glowing as did her eyes. 

"Weak? Who is weak?" Nessa asked as the girl was about to move to attack Dalia and she grabbed onto her hand, causing the girl's eyes to widen and Dalia gasped. 

"Lady..." She mumbled and a smirk appeared on Nessa's face as she was looking downward.