
Nessa and the demon were glad that he agreed, but they were both cautious of the man, since he was still a demon lord after all, one that could possibly change his mind within the blink of an eye and leave them behind, which was a risk they could not take, no matter what. 

Nessa approach him and leaned in closer as he stared at her, stunned, wondering what she was doing and at her audacity to approach him like that, since he was a demon lord and to him, this girl was either stupid of very brave to do that. 

The demon stifled a chuckle, since he knew exactly what Nessa was like and found her actions quite fascinating and endearing. 

The demon lord tilted his head as he looked at her, waiting to see what she was up to and he reached forward to touch the mask she was wearing, his finger brushing against her cheek slightly and her eyes narrowed as she looked at his hand and the demon's eyes darkened, since he did not like that a bit.