This book is dedicated to all who have ever felt lonely and sad with no way out and no where

to turn, you are never alone!


Blood marks glittered all over the floors. It was strange because the house was very dark, how could blood glow in utter darkness? The blood stains were not her problem, in fact, the blood gushing out from her left and right leg didn't seem to bother her. She could not feel a thing. She wanted out, she needed out. She was not going to stay in the house any longer. She could not endure any more hardship. She was better on her own. She would cry no more. She would no longer feel pain.

'hurry up, hurry up' screamed her innermost being. She knew it was right. She must escape before he came, he mustn't catch her. She must flee this trap, this suffocating cage. This must be done now or she might never get this opportunity ever again. Her whole body hurt but she ignored it. She couldn't stop now. She must escape it all right now, no later.

She made it to the stairs. She slowed and took a deep breath preparing herself for the great task ahead, the hundred stairs that awaited her descent. She remembered he built this many stairs to keep her trapped, to keep her caged within the reach of his deadly claws but no more! She was never going to see nor step foot in this place ever again. She took a deep breath and began dragging her bleeding body down the stairs.

She spat out blood as she coughed. It has been hours since she started this laborious task. Just how far has she gone? How far could she go? She felt her heart pounding, her breathing slowing. Would she make it? Hot tears flooded her cheeks as she recalled all the pain she had endured all her life in this place living with that man. She could bear it no more. She let herself sit as she cried painfully. Why wasn't anyone coming to her rescue? Did not anybody love her? Didn't they care? Where was her doting and loving family? Where did they go? Why was she alone? They had all tricked her. They were all liers. They did not care about her. They didn't love her enough. Why didn't they come to save her, to check up on her? She wept bitterly, trying to let go of all the hurt and pain but it didn't go. It clung to her heart, pulling her down like a heavy rock. She picked the hem of her dress, soiled and stained. Dirty from her mission that she could not finish. She wiped her tears and got stunned by what she saw.

Three more stairs, just three! She was sulking and crying, weeping bitterly without noticing. Her fleet was not futile. She could make it. Her pity for herself turned into resentment. She just wasted quality time whining and weeping for herself instead of completing her task. She was such a loser and she loathed herself for it. She smiled to herself and forced her body to move. She would take good care of it once she was outside, away from this place….away from him.

Her sadness turned into happiness as she descended the final stair. She appraised herself. Well, didn't she deserve it? Now where was that door? Was it not below the flight of stairs? He brought her through that door that fateful day, yes, then they began climbing the stairs. She recalled finding the agonizing stairs then beautiful and intriguing. She hated herself even more for ever believing or trusting in that man. It's all over now, she would escape him and he would never see her again. His laughter would be no more. She crawled all over searching everywhere for the door to finally end her mission. Where was it? She had to find it and quick!

She found the door. It was the way she remembered when she first came. She saw the door knob and made herself get up to reach it. She would finally escape. She tugged at the door knob but the door wouldn't open. She tried again and again but it would not open. The door was locked! Where was the key? Her eyes travelled fast round the room, the floors, the carpet, walls. Where was it? Where was he keeping it?

Just then, her body shook at a man's laughter. When did he get back? The man took slow steps to her, grinning as he sipped wine from a glass cup in his left hand. She began to cry and slid down the door as he approached her. She had failed. She's been caught. Why on earth did she take such a gutty mission? Why had she tried to flee? It's over, she's doomed. His mocking eyes at her turned cruel as he shattered the wine glass on the floor spilling the wine everywhere. There was difference from it and her blood that stained everywhere.

"Where are you going darling, you do not want to stay with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? " he asked with a wicked gleam in his eyes. She couldn't answer, she couldn't say a word. All she knew was that she was doomed. He came closer kicking her painfully on her hips. She screamed. "I am sorry, please don't hurt me, it was a mistake please" she pleaded and sobbed. He kicked her again. She was about to start pleading again when she felt a hot pain on her cheeks. She could hold her tears no more as he started giving her the punishment of her sin. His claws pierced through her skin causing much more of her blood to be lost.

She wondered how she never died from his beatings. How could he possibly have claw shaped nails? How could his eyes and body stature change at will? Surely this man isn't normal, he is not a human being , he had so much hate that could be showcased dubiously as love. He is most definitely a monster and more painfully, her husband.