Let's Leave This Place Fast!

'Gross! Gross! Grooooossssssss!!!'

I felt so disgusted by my own body that it took everything in my willpower to maintain my façade.

Damn, why did I have to be greeted by an entourage of spectators?

'They're even cheering for me now. Shit… I think I'd like to be alone for a moment.'

Of course it wasn't that I wasn't happy about the attention or anything, but…

'This feeling, it's like someone dipped me in a sea of poo! I feel so disgusted that I could die.'

Still, the audience wanted what it wanted, it was my duty as a Hero—or rather, the champion of the Adventurers to play the part.

With an awkward grin on my face, I returned greetings to the warm reception around me.

As I did this, only one thought was constant in my mind.

'I need to get out of here…'


"I-incredible… I still can't believe it."

"It seems you were right, sir."