Middle Class Demon

Living within the vast wilderness, among the cluster of rocks and caves, was a terrifying creature.

Her very existence took the entire area by storm, causing the Lower Class entities around to bow in subservience.

This world operated by the principle of survival of the fittest.

The weak were subservient to the strong and the strong devoured the weak.

It didn't take very long for the newcomer Demon to take full control over the territory of the Lower Class Demons.

However, desire is insatiable.

Living beings always sought more, in order to stimulate their existence.

Desiring to expand her influence, the Middle-Class Demon devised a plan... one that would destroy the humans who dared to live in such outskirts—away from civilization.

Killing them and taking over their territory would be the first step she was going to take.

Dwelling in the darkness of the cave, looking at her loyal minions, the Middle-Class Demon made a snickering expression as her heart raced with excitement.