Looks Like We Have Some Incoming Visitors [Pt 2]

I sent Sarah on some errands, so she was currently not attending to me.

If she had been present, then this Kurt fellow would not have had direct contact with me. So, in a way, I was somewhat excused.

'Yep! I did nothing wrong!'

Once I shamelessly satiated my conscience, I resumed my 'Hero Vibe' and addressed my subject with the dignity expected of someone in my position.

"So, what is it you wanted to say?" My eyes narrowed at the middle-aged man as he trembled before me.

He was probably lost in the magnificence of my room. 'It's not anything fancy—just a large room filled with a bunch of stuff from my old world. It almost

makes me feel like I'm back home too...' The room definitely helped to soothe some of my nostalgia.

For example, I brought my television, my game console, my bookshelf—basically everything that could that made life convenient for me in my previous world.