The Moment Of Truth Is Upon Us!

"Tch. Finally… it's time." Adu muttered, cracking his knuckles as he grinned with delight.

He and the other nine Demon Generals were in position, leading their respective groups into battle.

They were in the pseudo zone, a pocket dimension that existed as a temporary waiting point before they advanced to battle.

Their army was complete, and every single soldier was raring to go.

"Remember, we're not supposed to directly interfere. Our minions are meant to do the work for us." Hogun whispered to the child-like demon.

"H-hey! I know that already!"

"Just saying… in case you forgot."

"Why, you…!"

Hogun was by Adu's right, so he was able to make some comments that annoyed the malevolent demon—as he liked to call himself.

"W-why don't we all just calm down and—" A blue demon by Adu's left muttered, speaking in a meek and diminutive tone.

"Zip it, fatso! No one asked for your opinion." Adu snapped with his usual loud and disrespectful tone.