Ever Heard Of Demons Being Haunted? [Pt 2]

It was a nightmare!

Spectres haunted the demon camp that night, and they were almost impossible to exterminate.

If a Spectre was warded off, then, just as flies would return to the filth, they would gather once more to torture them.

It was quite unfortunate that none of the Demon Generals was any good at fighting incorporeal entities. Even if they were, the ability to obliterate a swarm of Spectres was a different ball game entirely.

As such, screams and shouts of despair filled the demon camp.

"Aduuuu! I'm here for you!!!" Hogun's thunderous voice echoed as he swiftly made his way to Adu's camp. A worried expression played on his face, but he pushed aside his fears and proceeded to help his friend.

Hogun knew he was being selfish, considering he was abandoning the camp he led, but Adu's situation was serious.


When it came to Spectres, Adu was a big scaredy cat! That's right, he would completely break down like a baby!