Is This How It Ends [Pt 2]


Somehow, I felt stronger than before. My power rose to new heights, and I gripped my blade with even greater conviction.

Hearing the agitated moans and groans of my allies made me incredibly vexed, but also provided the motivation I required.

Ignoring the smoke and thick dust, I plunged into the sky and prepared to hack down the enemy.


The Demon teleported, a moment before I got to him.

'Gotcha!' I grinned in delight.

Sure, Valefor was fast, but his next location had already been spotted by my precognition. There was no way I was letting my prey escape!


I changed trajectory and lunged at Valefor's new location, pouring all my energy into the swing.



I foresaw his next action, but even at that, I was unable to evade the heavy blow.

Multiple purple orbs, appeared all around me, expanding before I could escape their midst.