Seeking An Audience With The Almighty Hero [Pt 1]

'H-he really is here!'

Just as was declared by the loud voice of one of the workers, the Hero was indeed passing by.

His magnificent outfit caught all of their attention, and the entire workforce made sure to abandon everything they were doing to welcome him.

"We greet the Hero!" They all declared, bowing before his majesty.

The Hero currently donned what he referred to as a 'Hoodie', and the blue color complimented nicely with his black ripped jeans and blue sneakers.

His black hair was nicely tousled by the wind, and his marvelous smile caused everyone's heart to race in delight.

Undoubtedly, everyone loved the Hero.

'He's here! D-does he know about... no, there's no way!' Asa shook her head and tried to simply keep an open mind.

The Hero had lots of responsibilities. In addition, he was already occupied with rebuilding this city. While it was possible he was aware of her plight, he was currently too busy.