This Is Actually Worse Than I Thought

'WOHOOOOOO!!!' My eyes bulged as I ran through the Elf Forest.

I could feel my heart racing and every ounce of my body's muscles throbbing in excitement.

The nice breeze that nose, and the serene environment that surrounded me granted me a sense of peace and comfort—unlike anything I had ever experienced in this world before.

And that was what made me so excited!

'Trees! So many trees! Look at all this plant life!'

I couldn't stop staring at everything surrounding me. The shrubs and undergrowth, the large canopies of forest leaves, the compost that settled on the ground, the tall and thick barks, as well as the extended branches...

... Nature's wonder encompassed me.

'So many plants. So many trees!'

It was amazing, to say the least.

This world was meant to be a wasteland, after all. The only prosperous areas that should have been in existence was the Demon Realm, and I doubted even they had such a vast collection of completely natural trees.