A Sort Of Touching Reunion

"The Hero has left us in charge of handling this situation. I suppose we all know how urgent this matter is. We will need to execute the plan tomorrow."

The one who spoke was Heshu—obviously the most sensible and oldest among the team.

Asa, Hogun, and Adu stared at him as they sat on the cold, earthen ground. With the Hero away on a mission with Lucy, saving the Elf Sanctuary fell on their shoulders.

"First things first. We convince Dustinel to assist us. Afterward, we move out as soon as possible tomorrow. According to the Hero's plan, which I agree with, we'll need to split into two teams."

They had all agreed with the Hero's deduction that they were running on limited time. The group was grateful that he had shared his phenomenal wisdom with them. Heshu, as an experienced soldier and strategist, found the plan to be adequate.

This must have been the best he could do within the circumstance—considering the odds were stacked against them.