Chapter 22 EMPTY HEART


The hardest thing of not remembering anything from your past is the fact that I couldn't even remember who I am and these people around me. I also seem to have forgotten how to feel because of this unfamiliar feeling. Beside the feeling of being empty and drained – that I don't know what the reason is – I am also clueless in everything. That even if I force myself to keep in mind what is happening and what they are saying to me, it does not enter my head and my whole being seems to be vomiting it.

"Liar," I answered him immediately and removed his hold on me. "Why would I even believe you? I don't even know who you are," I said firmly to him and turned to this doctor again.

I forced myself to calm down. "Can I see him, doc?" I begged her.

She smiled at me sadly again so my shoulder dropped again due to the frustration I felt. They don't seem to want to give me a choice in this situation. What do they want me to do?