Gavin Everhart

~19th February, 1980…. Somewhere off the coast of Scotland.~

"Push Sophie!…Push!... you're almost there!" A fairly old voice said as she gestured to a lady on a bed.

The lady, with a red face, clenched her fists tightly and pushed with all her might, screaming at the end.

"Yes, keep going!"

After a few more screams, the sound of a baby's crying suddenly echoed in the room. An old woman, who the fairly old voice belonged to, held the newborn baby in her arms and gazed at him lovingly.

"So this is my grandson!...What a cute little guy you are." The old lady said, hugging the baby in her arms.

'Huh?.. Have I reincarnated already? That was kinda quick, I didn't even feel anything...This is my grandmother? She looks rather beautiful even though she's old.' Lucas, who is now the newborn baby, thought while taking in his surroundings.

He was in a large and expensively furnished bedroom with moving paintings of different natural scenery around the room. There was a large chandelier above him, it looked rather antique.

"Let me see my baby, Rose" Sophie's weak voice sounded.

"Right….here he is. He's absolutely adorable." Rose said as she handed Lucas over to Sophie.

As Lucas caught a glimpse of his new mother, he suddenly became emotional. He finally had a mother... as well as a family. He felt like all his suffering was worth it for just this moment. For being able to see his new mother, one of his first new lights in his previously abyssal world. It was a momentous occasion for him. He longed for the unconditional love a family could provide and it was now right within his grasp.

Sophie was breathtakingly beautiful. She had honey golden hair as well as sky blue eyes. She was currently dressed in a white nightgown and her hair was disheveled. Her face looked pale and weak.

Lucas flashed her a bright smile and stretched out his chubby hands to touch her face.

Sophie was almost moved to tears of joy. She fought back the urge to cry and was absolutely mesmerized by her new bundle of happiness. She smiled softly and said.

"Look at you…you cutie pie. I'm your mommy, and we will have a lot of adventures together. Your name shall be….Gavin….Gavin Everhart."

Gavin blinked his eyes, as if in understanding, and flashed another bright smile and a giggle.

'Gavin…I guess that's my new name now. I absolutely love it….If heaven is real, surely this must be it!' Gavin thought in ecstasy.

Suddenly, there was a loud and deep screech from outside the window of the large room. Both Sophie and Rose looked at the window, dumbfounded at what was happening. They had never seen this happen before, nor were there any records of it. It was the first time that she was actually taking the initiative to meet a person.

Hurriedly, Rose took Gavin from Sophie gently and rushed to the window. She opened it and presented Gavin to the creature that was flapping its wings majestically while looking at him.

Gavin's eyes widened at the sight of the beast. It was just too enthralling to look at….almost like it was a divine being who didn't belong in the world. 'It' was an extremely large griffin. It had pure sparkling golden feathers with wings as large as airplane wings. Its wings were intricately decorated with blue feathers and shone brightly. It had a large, golden and blue feathered tail that swayed from side to side under the gigantic bursts of winds from the flapping of its wings.

It had large, ferocious crystal blue eyes that seemed to pierce Gavins soul as he looked at them. Its head was adorned with sparkling elongated golden feathers with blue tips. All in all, the beast was simply godly.

[Greetings…Gavin. You can talk to me telepathically. I have a feeling you can talk already, for some reason.]

Gavins eyes almost popped out of his sockets. The divine beast was…. talking to him!? He half-expected it to be honest but it was completely different when it was actually happening. Its voice sounded deep, soothing and harmonious to listen to.


[Right, where are my manners? My name is Aelia]

[Hello Aelia, it's nice to meet you.]

[It is certainly a pleasure to meet you too, kid. I don't know what it is, but when you were born I felt this extreme longing and urge to see you. I presume it means that I have finally found my bond. You have no idea how long I've waited for the perfect bond.] Aelia said excitedly and warmly.

[Bond? How does that work?] Gavin replied, rather confused.

[Don't worry, you'll know in due time. Simply put, it's a way to connect the both of us. That's all I'll tell you for now.] Aelia responded.

Then, her blue eyes suddenly glowed brightly and a golden colored light flew from her forehead and pierced Gavin's forehead

[Wha– AAARGHHH!!!] Gavin exclaimed telepathically while writhing in immense pain. He cried out loud, bearing with the pain. Eventually, he passed out.

Aelia turned to Rose, who looked at her with her head bowed down in reverence.

[Hi Rose, it's been a while. I've just bonded with Gavin…and don't worry, his soul can handle it. I wouldn't have done it if he couldn't handle it, wouldn't want Evan to be unable to meet his new boy now would we?]

[Alright your Majesty…It was a pleasure meeting you after all this time.] Rose said, closing the windows and carrying Gavin back to his mother.

"To think my grandson will make the Griffin Queen personally come out to bond with him. This is completely unprecedented…You've given birth to a very special boy Sophie!" She said excitedly, handing Gavin back to his mother.

"It is unprecedented indeed. I never thought she would actually come out just for this. After all, she's been in seclusion since that incident. That was actually my first time seeing her." Sophie replied, cradling Gavin gently in her arms.

Rose just smiled faintly at her comment.

"Where's my son!?" A loud, deep voice suddenly sounded as a tall figure barged into the room, seemingly in a hurry. He had silky dark brown hair, light blue eyes and regal looking beard. Behind him, was a young brown-haired toddler, who seemed rather tall for his age. The toddler had an excited expression on his face.

"For Merlin's sake Evan!...your wife's just given birth and here you are shouting and barging into the damn room!" Rose said, irritated at the sudden outburst of noise from Evan.

Evan paid no heed to his mothers comment and rushed straight to his wife. He looked at her lovingly, gave her a long kiss on her forehead, and laid his eyes on his newborn son.

"He's beautiful. Just like you my love…Did you name him Gavin just like we agreed?" Evan said, looking at Sophie and Gavin like treasures.

Sophie nodded faintly, smiled and looked at Gavin alongside Evan.

"Yeah he is. He's our little angel…. Cass, did you want to meet your younger brother?" She then asked the toddler.

"Yes! I wanna see him." Cass nodded his head repeatedly, excited at his mother's question.

He then proceeded to hold his new brother after Sophie handed him over to him.

"Gavin huh? My own little brother. I finally have someone to play with and look after." Cass said with a sparkle in his light blue eyes.

"Did the Griffin Queen actually bond with Gavin?" Evan asked seriously, looking at Rose and Sophie to which they nodded in affirmation.

Evans' eyes widened in shock upon hearing that. It was simply baffling to think the Queen would actually find his son perfect to bond with. He laughed loudly shortly after and flashed a wicked grin.

"It seems like my son is special. Like Father, like son indeed. This is a cause for celebration!" He said with vigor.

Sophie and Rose just laughed and rolled their eyes at Evan's shamelessness.

The family spent time together in the room after that. Talking, laughing and enjoying each other's presence. Today was exceptional for all of them because of the new addition to the Everhart family. The day the charismatic and prodigious Gavin Everhart, was born.