Lord Revan

In a quiet, ancient-looking study, a young man was staring at a reflection of himself in a standing mirror. If Gavin were here, he would be stunned seeing the study, and instantly recognize it as the study where he had been initiated in the cellars of the Everhart manor.

'The only thing absolute is Power….I see that now…'

The young man contemplated, touching the sides of his cheeks as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was quite handsome, enough to give our protagonist a run for his money; he had brown hair as dark as mahogany, steel blue eyes, and a light stubble.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a bright, and euphonic deep voice.


Reginald turned to look at the person who had interrupted him. He frowned slightly, raised his eyebrows, and responded emotionlessly,

"How may I help you…Audric?"

Audric did not reply immediately because his attention was suddenly captured by the mirror Reginald was looking at, he frowned and asked,

"Is that the Mirror of Erised? How did you get it?"

"Dippet allowed me to borrow it, what about it?" Reginald replied, walking away from the mirror.

"You asked him?" Audric replied, raising his eyebrows.

"Father did."

"I see…"

Audric eyes then trailed off Reginald and onto an open diary with scribbles written all over the open pages. There was one scribble that was larger than the others though, it was written boldly and caught Audric's attention.

"Protego Diabolica? What is that? A new spell?" he asked, rather befuddled.

Reginald quickly closed the diary and took it off the desk, holding it in his hands.

"You should mind your own business Audric, we're not kids anymore…" He said, somewhat disdainfully.

Audric frowned

"Are you still dabbling in dark magic? Father warned you to stop already." He replied, ignoring Reginald's disdainful tone.

Reginald just remained silent and started walking towards the door of the study, intending to leave. As soon as he got to the door, he stopped and turned his head slightly before speaking, somewhat hopefully,

"Forget that old man…Are you going to change your mind? Join me, Audric. I don't want to do it without you. Together, we can usher in a new era."

Audric sighed heavily,

"No Reginald, there is no 'new' era. I don't understand how you've changed so much. You can't join that crazy bastard, he's murdering innocents. It's ludicrous!" he said, raising his voice at the end.

Reginald turned around,

"Innocents? Are you serious?....Muggles are innocent?" he asked, in slight disbelief, his voice somewhat shaking…

"I know your mind is still clouded due to Madeleines death, It was-"

"OPEN YOUR EYES Audric! They are not innocent, those vermin are opportunistic, slothful and corrupt beyond imagination." Reginald shouted abruptly, interrupting Audric.

Audric was startled, he was about to counter Reginald's statement but Reginald didn't give him the chance to.

"This world shall tremble under the might of my steel fist. I shall cleanse it and usher in a new era. An era where wizards don't have to hide for no reason…. an era where I reign supreme… I will become…a god." He started, in an ominous tone, walking towards the door.

"I advise you to stay away from me from now on, you should tell father too. Don't try to stop me as well…not that you can anyways." He added sternly, chuckling at the end.

"W-What are you saying Reggie?" Audric said hastily, his voice shaking.

"This is goodbye foolish brother….though, I'll leave you with one last gift, consider it my appreciation of all these years we've spent together." Reginald said, conjuring a ball of darkness and pointing it to the ceiling of the room.

Reginald shot the ball of darkness to the ceiling of the room, and vanished immediately after, in a flash of red light.

Audric was still in shock of his twin brother's statement. He slowly turned his gaze towards the ceiling, trying to see the 'gift' his brother left for him. As soon as he saw the 'gift' his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets, and his hands started to tremble uncontrollably.

The 'gift' was a string of texts written with darkness. Red lightning crackled through each letter, giving the string of texts a rather…sinister feeling. It read,



Cass opened his eyes abruptly, his breathing labored and heavy, and his back drenched in cold sweat. He pulled back his hair with his now trembling hands and looked around the room; his body relaxed upon seeing that no one was awoken by his jittering.

'Fuck, why am I still having these dreams.' he groaned inwardly, as he slowly got off his bed.

Cass took his suitcase that was on the floor in front of his bed, looked around once more, and went to the bathroom. He then placed the suitcase on the floor, with its handles facing him, and opened it.

As he climbed down into the suitcase, he kept thinking about the dream he just had. He had been having these weird dreams occasionally ever since his second year at Hogwarts. The dreams were annoying in his opinion, and irked him to no end; though, he only found it annoying because he was always scared and shocked every time he had one.

He had told Erebus about it, and Erebus informed him that the 'dreams' he was seeing were simply the memories of his previous bond, which was his grand uncle, Reginald Everhart.

Apparently, because the nature of the griffin bonds was that of soul, any new bond a griffin gets, would receive some of the memories of the previous bond, which can sometimes affect their personality. Gavin had no 'dreams' because he was the first bond of the griffin monarch.

Cass walked towards the refrigerator in the kitchen area of his living room. Unlike Gavin, Cass' room in the ancestral Everhart home was gothic styled, similar to the main Everhart living room. It had large black couches, chandeliers, a fireplace, and gothic decorations adorning its walls.

'Sigh...why did I have to get this dream today of all days…' He thought, as he grabbed a carton of orange juice from the fridge.

[You had another dream?] a black cat with silver eyes sitting on the kitchen counter suddenly said, lazily moving its tail.

[Yes, it's awfully annoying.] Cass responded, in a somewhat displeased tone.

Erebus just chuckled.

[What was this one about?] he then asked, looking at Cass intently.

[Reginald revealing his identity as Lord Revan] Cass responded casually, walking towards the sofa in front of the fireplace and sitting down.

Erebus followed him and jumped on the sofa's arm, before responding,

[I assume you have questions]

[Why didn't you stop him?] Cass asked, gulping down the orange juice greedily.

[I couldn't]

[You couldn't?] Cass asked, suspiciously.

Erebus sighed.

[I was misguided at the time, I sought the destruction he wanted to bring. I wanted to see the griffins stand at the top of the world, returning to the glorious days we once had, during King Lucian's time.]

[And now?] Cass asked, raising his eyebrows.

[I simply want to live in peace, with my remaining brothers and sisters. I've seen enough bloodshed; being immortal is not easy.]

[Right..] Cass replied, putting his orange carton on the table in front of the sofa.

[Though I've got to admit, grand uncle Reginald was badass, you guys had to outnumber him overwhelmingly to even stand a chance. That's some insane level of power.] He added, looking at the ceiling in the sky.

[Yes, he was one of a kind, that remains a fact. Besides your brother, he was the most talented wizard I have ever seen.]

[I see…Also, how on earth did he obtain the power of dragons?] Cass then asked, his tone laced with faint disbelief.

[Didn't you see it already? He did when he massacred the Pendragons.] Erebus replied coolly.

[No I haven't seen that memory yet. That's crazy though...I can't believe it was him] Cass said, though his voice sounded very worried.

Erebus felt Cass' emotional fluctuations and raised his eyebrows,

[You're worried because your brother is best buds with their heir?] He asked, trying to guess the reason for Cass' change in emotions.

[Can't hide anything from you now can I?] Cass chuckled

Erebus just smiled.

[Well yeah you're right. It's concerning though, innit?] Cass then added.

[I agree. However, it's too early to make any conclusions. We should just watch for now.] Erebus responded.

[Yeah, you're right…as usual..] Cass clicked his tongue and remarked.

Cass then got up and started stretching, with a wide smile on his handsome face. Erebus was confused seeing this,

[Why are you smiling] He asked.

[Have you forgotten what day it is? I've been waiting for it since forever.] Cass replied, still smiling.

[No, what's happening today?]

[Today's Gryffindor vs Slytherin] Cass replied excitedly.

Erebus' eyes widened. He took a deep breath and looked at Cass,

[This is about to be legendary….] he said with a smile on his feline face, stroking his silver whiskers.

Cass laughed.

[Right you are my friend…right you are…]


A/N: Reginald and Audric Everhart looks posted.