Chapter 3

Let go of me you sick fucking beast, Lera screamed as Cain took her into the woods.

I said let go of me now, Lera shouted and dug her fingers into his arms

Cain dropped her hard onto the grounds.

Listen to me, you have to show obedience to me or else you will be killed, Cain said through gritted teeth

If my father hears your disobedience towards me they will all brutally assault you and when they are all done they will devour your flesh, Cain continued

Lera looked at him afraid. Cain felt his chest tightened and decided to change the topic

Lera how did you do that in there just now? he asked

I don't understand what you mean.  What did I do precisely? Lera asked feeling annoyed after making her have sex with him in front of his entire pack.

How were you able to break our eye connection and continue to have sex with me? Cain asked

 I don't know! she said softly remembering the pleasurable experience she just had for the first time

 Who is your mother? Cain asked as he began to pace the cushioned floor of leaves.

 My father said she dropped me off by the gate and went back into the woods, Lera said as she drew her knees to her body.

Your father must have slept with a witch and you were conceived. That is the only explanation because they are the only powerful beings that could break our trance, Cain said

 Listen to me Lera, no one must know of this but us! I will take care of you but not a soul must know. Promise me! Cain said urgently as he grabbed her by the arms and shook her

 Okay I promise, Lera said and began to drift from feeling dizzy.

 What is wrong with you? he asked when he saw her eyes closed tightly

 I feel quite dizzy and my stomach hurts, she said

You must need food, Cain said and smiled

What can I eat? We are in the forest and can't prepare anything! she cried

Lera you are not human anymore. We hunt, we kill and we eat! It our way of life and you are mines now so I will teach you, Cain said

We are lycanthropes and we have the ability to shape-shift into a werewolf when we like. Look at me! Concentrate on my image and you will change into one of us and you do the same when you want to shapeshift into human form, Cain said and began shape-shifting into a werewolf before her eyes. He then closed his eyes and transformed into human.

 Now you try! Cain said and lifted her up of the ground.

Lera closed her eyes and began to think about being a wolf and when she opened her eyes she was a pure white wolf with green eyes and Cain  petted her gently

 You are more powerful than I thought Lera! Let me see your paws? Cain said and lifted up the back paws and saw nothing. He then lifted up the front paws and saw what he was looking for.

 Look Lera, your witch mark! Cain said and showed her a black shape of a star on her right paw.

Lera closed her eyes and shape-shifted into a human.

 Then it is true that my mother is a witch, Lera said sadly

 Not any witch Lera. Your mother belonged to the Anglo-Saxon clan of good witches. The most powerful of all witches, Cain said and smiled

Just then Lera senses kicked in and she quickly converted into a lycanthrope. Cain looked around and listened. He heard nor smelled anything

What is it Lera? Cain whispered but Lera senses was tingling loudly. She heard the snap and she move swiftly for the sound

Cain didn't even have time to shape shift before Lera brought the huge bear into his sight. She was biting down on his back and he roared loudly and used his huge paws and swiped at Cain, hitting him to the ground. Cain lost his breath and was struggling to get up but when Lera saw what the bear had done to Cain she unclenched her teeth and quickly moved to the bear's jugular and ripped it out viciously.

Cain stood looking in amazement at his mate. Her white fur was now crimson red. Lera sat down obediently next to the dead bear and looked at him.

Lera you senses and powers are far beyond any werewolf I've ever seen or met and I have been here a very long time. This is your kill so eat but eat slowly as it is you first time okay, Cain said and kissed Lera on her furry face.

Lera began to eat and Cain was turned on by just watching her. He knew werewolves never shared with other werewolves until they had their fill but he was tempted to see her reaction so he shape-shifted and walked next to her and began eating.

Lera looked at him and stopped. She licked his face and continued eating and allowed him to eat with her until both their stomach was filled and shape-shifted back into humans.

Let us go to the river Lera, Cain said

Lera nodded and they went into the water of the river and cleaned off their blood soaked skins