Chapter 6

Seeing that Lera did not return to him that night, early the next day,  Cain went searching for her. He found her scent and went running towards her but when he reached the hill he knew where Lera was headed. She went back to her father's kingdom and he shapeshifted into a human to blend in and walked towards the palace. He had to convince Lera to go back to the pack as soon as possible before his father missed their presence for surely they would both be punished.

Lera had snuck in late in the night and went to her chamber. She walked around and remembered the happy life she had before the attack. She stood looking from the window into the darkness for a long time, remembering the day she saw Abraham kill the boy and take the woman as his mate and she began to cry. She walked over to the bed which her loyal servants had cleaned and replaced and she slept the best sleep she had in ages. When she awoke she shape-shifted into human and walked outside to assess the castle.

On her way out, she passed her father's chamber and felt the need to walk in. The room was also cleaned and everything looked the same. She walked to his dressing table and picked up one of his oils and smelled it and she began to cry.

She missed the way her father made her feel completely safe and remembered dancing with him. When she walked out of the room she realized that she missed Cain's presence beside her. She slowly walked downstairs and walked out of the Castle.

Many of the villagers had left but the few that remained was now up and tending to animals and crops. Several of Lera's servants noticed her and ran to her with several kids joining and jumping around them.

Princess Lera, you have returned! One of the servant said happily as the men came and bowed down to her.

Let us help you Princess! The female servant said and took her hand and assisted her with walking around the Kingdom.

What about my father? Lera asked slowly.

He died the night you were taken my lady and his body was never found,  I am sorry. We tried to clean and restore the Castle as it was once before incase you returned. The servant replied.

Who runs the Castle now? Lera asked.

No one my Lady. Since Lord Mormon sent the group of men to retrieve you and they did not return, Lord Mormon have forgotten about us. But this is our home and we knew you would return to us one day. And now you've finally returned to us. The servant said smiling brightly.

So how does the villagers survive? Lera asked remembering how beautiful it was several months ago with her father ruling.

The few of us that have remained have survived by planting our crops and rearing animals which we sell to the town next door, The servant answered as she lead Lera to see the animals and the crops.

Then we need to prepare incase another attack comes from the Lycanthropes, Lera said.

Why would they return my lady? We have nothing here! The servant said.

Cain entered and came face to face with Lera at that same time and overheard what she told the servant and stared directly at Lera.

We need to talk right now! Cain said in a rough tone.

You may leave us! She said to the servant and the woman bowed and left them to speak as Lera headed back to the Castle with him.

Lera please don't do what you are about to do! Father will come and slaughter everything in sight just as he had done before. Don't do this to your people Lera! Cain said coldly.

This time I will be prepared because I have much more knowledge and strength. Lera said proudly remembering how powerful she had gotten at fighting.

Lera you cannot fight him alone, you are just sending your people to the slaughter house. Please think about what you are about to do! Cain said as he looked at her.

So what do you want me to do Cain? I will not subject our daughter to that barbaric way of life or worst have or son murdered. Lera said with her eyes beginning to full of water.

Why do you feel it necessary to do this now Lera? Why? This should not be a problem for us until you get pregnant. Cain said knowing fully well that he was never able to conceive with the rest of his mates before and expected the same with Lera.

Tell me why do you feel the need to behave in this way? He said as he walked to her and held her arms tightly.

Because I am already with child Cain! That is why I was that way with your father and ended up killing Cole. My hormones are all over the place and I get so emotional for almost everything now. Lera said and began crying uncontrollably.

Cain was overjoyed to hear that Lera was pregnant with his child. He never thought it was possible and he pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. He only then understood why she showed defiance towards Abraham and even though he didn't want to go against his father, he knew that if he had to die it would be with Lera and their family so he made up his mind then and there to go along with her plan and help prepare her kingdom for his father's attack which he knew would happen once his father learns about their disappearance.

That night Cain and Lera made passionate love like it was the last time they would be together because they both knew the consequences of what they were about to do.

Early the next morning, Cain and Lera assessed the palace, taking into consideration the proximity for their livestock and crops. Then Cain along with some of the men that remained, began digging a moat that was filled with  sharpened spikes and they constructed a small wooden bridge. Fire burning was a sure way that could keep back werewolves and so they made many wooden barrications that could be set ablaze quickly. Lera had also written and sold several of the family prized possessions to Lord Mormon and she traded for guns with silver bullets for each member of her kingdom to protect themselves.

Cain had also constructed an underground bunker in water to house the children and reduce their scents. It had been a month already since Lera and Cain had left the pack and as the days passed by Cain became more and more worried.

Lera saw him at their bedroom window looking out. Her belly had swollen tremendously within that month and he was also worried about her delivery. Surely he could not have had any of her servants or midwife with her for the delivery or they would know about them being Werewolves.  So he was taught by the midwife on how to deliver the baby himself.

Lera if father attacks and the kingdom falls I want you to promise me that you would go to the bunker and stay with the infants okay. Cain said and kissed her cheeks.

Cain you worry to much! Maybe Abraham have decided to let us go to live our life the way we see fit! Lera said calmly touching his face.

Lera I know my father and I know his capabilities. For the first time in my life I am scared because I know he's coming but this time I'm on the opposing side. The next full moon is tomorrow and not only does it brings out an unimaginable bizarre behavior in werewolves but father likes the way that we have ample light for attacking so we have to be prepared. Cain said and walked with her to their bed and laid down. He put his hands on her stomach and he felt active movement of their litter and he prayed for them to be girls so at least they would have some time with them together as a family.

Did you feel them kicking my love? They seem to be excited to come out! Lera said and kissed Cain's lips.

Lera I was thinking that after they were born that we should relocate to somewhere far from here. We are not safe here my love and besides we cannot grow up our children here where we are surrounded by humans that may want to harm them or where we have to live a secretive life. Cain said as he passed his hands on her face.

I understand that you're afraid Cain but don't you think that every creature can live in harmony that is, witches, werewolves and humans? I think that it could happen and it should! To be accepted and loved for who you are rather than what you are! That is why I am here now, I want a place like this to exist so our kids could grow up safely. No more superiority among other species, just love and respect for each other. Lera said as she placed her hands on his.

Lera sometimes I think that you are too good for me. I honestly wish that you are able to accomplish this with me by your side my love. Let us get some rest now, as tomorrow will be a hectic day for us both. I love you Lera and you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Cain said and kissed her.

You will be no where else but by my side Cain. I love you too, goodnight my love. Lera replied and they both went to sleep.