Chapter 9

Three days later, Abraham got word from Sheba that one of the females had informed her that she saw that Lera had given birth in the cave while she was silently feeding her litter.

Abraham was furious and quickly assembled his pack to retrieve Cain,  Lera and their pups. He commanded his men, along with Koba to go to them and  bring them to him at once.

Several hours later, when the pack finally came upon the cavern, Commander Rolo called Cain out and informed him of his father's orders. Cain looked around and saw that they were outnumbered and went to Lera and told her what Rolo had said. Unwilling, Lera got up and gathered her son and walked out with Cain.

When the pack returned Cain and Lera to Abraham, he saw from a distance that Lera had indeed given birth and was holding a bundle in her arm.

As the pack escorted the couple directly in front of Abraham he motioned his men to step aside.

Well, well, well what do we have here! Cain and Lera I am appalled at how inconsiderate you have been towards me and the pack. Why wasn't I, the grandfather,  told of the birth? And why only one? Where is the rest Cain? Abraham asked.

Before Cain had time to answer, Lera shouted at Abraham

Because you know exactly why you killer! I will never forget what you did at my Kingdom, on not one but two occasions. You will pay for what you did to my father, my people and my stillborn pups. Lera shouted

Lera please stop! Father the rest of the litter died in childbirth but the pup is just one day old. Cain answered.

You're lying to me boy! I have found out that several days now Lera had given birth and I have been thinking of a way to punish you both. Abraham replied.

Wouldn't you like to see your grandson Abraham or are you afraid that he will be the reason to end your reign over this pack? Lera continued as she looked to the other female pack members.

Abraham looked at Lera with scorn and anger and turned to Cain when he began to see some of the female whispering among each other.

Well congratulations on your son, son! You've finally become a man! Yes and because of that I will give you the opportunity to end his life. Abraham said.

On hearing his decision, Lera screamed out


Cain looked at his father with anger because he knew if he was the one to kill their pup, Lera would never forgive him and remembered when Lera said this to him.

Listen to me my son, if you don't kill him I will order my men to kill both of them. Do you want to see your beloved Lera be killed? Then do it now! Abraham commanded and smiled as he approached him with a huge knife.

Lera looked at Cain and cried and shook her head as Cain looked at her. She knew Cain loved her and would kill their pup rather than have her killed, but she had made up her mind over the last few days she had with her son, that she would rather die than have him killed.

Cain grabbed the knife from Abraham's hand and walked to Lera and his baby. He knew that he had lost Lera one way or the other. However he was relying on her magical powers that had gotten stronger every day at the cavern to save her if not their pup.  And he prayed that she would forgive him for what he was about to do because it meant that his son would surely be killed. He walked up to her and kissed her on her lips as Lera began to cry uncontrollably.

Please Cain don't do this! I'll never forgive you if you do. Please baby don't! Lera sobbed.

Cain bent down and gave his son a kiss for the final time. He then raised up and kissed Lera, long and hard.

I love you Lera and I never will stop loving you as long as there is breath in me! Cain said softly to her as tears began to fall from his eyes.

He then raised his knife and then let it fall to the ground while he shoved Lera and his son with all his might, sending them over the cliff and both into the raging river below.

When Lera was shoved unexpectedly by Cain her hands went up and she lost hold of her son and they both fell in the water at different times. When Lera had surfaced she looked up and saw Cain was being beaten mercilessly by his pack as his father looked on and her baby was no where in sight. She tumbled and went under water from the rage of the river and suddenly her head smashed against a rock. She was disoriented and suddenly she felt that she was being lifted into the air. Then she saw a similar face to the woman in her dreams over her, whispering a language she never heard before. Then, she heard her,

Where is your son? the woman asked

He's still in the river, please help him also! Lera said and found herself drifting into a sleep. She tried to stay awake but her eyelids became too heavy and she fell asleep.

When Lera awoke, she found herself on a bed in a small wooden cabin. She flew up from the bed and looked around frantically. Then she scrambled towards the door and opened it and saw she was surrounded by tall vines that were impenetrable. She turned around and walked back into the house and began to look for another exit but then she saw another door opened and the woman in her dreams and who had saved her was standing in front of her.

Where am I and where is my baby? Lera asked hysterically

I am sorry Lera but when I arrived at the river I only saw you floating down stream. After I saved you,  I spent several hours looking for him but I couldn't find him so I had to bring you here to my home before the werewolves arrived looking for you both! The woman answered.

How do you know my name? And how long have I been sleeping for? Lera asked as she stared at her and began to back away.

You have been sleeping for two days now and I know you Lera, I have known you for quite a long time. The woman answered and tasted whatever she was cooking in the pot

I saw you in my dreams a day before my son was born, who are you? Lera asked and walked closer to her seeing that she felt no danger from the woman

Do you not remember your own mother Lera? I am Isabel!  The strange woman replied.

I cannot remember you?  My father said you left me at the palace gate when I was small! What kind of mother would do that to their own child Isabel? Lera said coldly after remembering all the times she missed and wished for her mother to be in her life when she saw other girls with their mothers.

A mother that cares! I had to because I wanted you to experience both worlds, your father's and mines! But I have always been watching you Lera! Do you know that your father and I continued seeing each other even after I left you there. I gave up my sisterhood just to be with him and have you. Didn't you notice that every night he would disappear for hours into the forest? He was so happy and proud of you and the young woman you grew up to be Lera! Isabel said

Then why didn't you help me? You saw what they did to my father, to Cain and to my baby and you did nothing to help me! You're a witch, you could have saved us all Isabel! Why didn't you use your powers to help us? Lera shouted angrily.

If I intervened Lera I would be changing the future of great things to come so I couldn't! Even your father understood and begged me to not interfere. This is your destiny and you have to go through every struggle for you to become the person you are now and will soon blossom into. Isabel said as she again tasted her soup and added some ingredients.

What will happen to my baby? Or to Cain? Will I ever see or meet them again in the future Isabel? Lera cried as the tears fell down her face.

The future holds many possibilities for them and you Lera. You are with me now so I will begin to teach you the life that our ancestors lived by and help you master your powers.  If you are able to demonstrate control and self actualize,  you my child will become very powerful. How you use your powers will determine everyone's fate. Isabel said and began to dish out two bowls of soups for them.

Isabel then placed the bowls of the food on the table and offered Lera a seat.

Come have something to eat my child as you have to regain your strength in order for our training to begin, she said.

Lera came to the table and sat down. And as soon as she tasted the first sip she dropped the spoon.

This tastes exactly like the soup my father's cook use to make for us Isabel. Lera said slowly

And as soon as she said it, Isabel changed into the cook, old Miss June , right before her eyes.

I told you I have always been around you Lera, so don't think that I simply abandoned you! Your father and I were deeply in love but we knew the consequences of what could happen if people found out I was a witch so we worked together to ensure you had a healthy upbringing. Isabel said and began to eat again as she changed back into herself.

Lera smiled but said nothing more and began to eat the soup greedily since it was ages since she tasted food so tasty.

I've missed your cooking Miss June! Lera said and smiled as Isabel looked at her and laughed.