Chapter Seven: Good Morning, Amethely

 "I bear no ill will," the girl clad in armor said.

 The change of scenery was still disorienting to the students; their camp had vanished without a trace. They've woken up by the gentle morning rays and the ticklish grass—just as they'd arrived the first time.

 But unlike the first time, they were greeted by massive lizard-like creatures with wings. They were akin to dragons; perhaps they were dragons. Whatever the case, they knew that the girl before them highly outclassed them in whatever powers they'd played around with yesterday.

 And yet, it was as if they'd been released from their shackles when they heard she bore no ill will. The girl named Chely was elegant and seemed trustworthy—although her good looks did play a part, they thought. But along those lines, they also realized they were the ones to initiate while she merely deflected or avoided their attacks—not once countering; but they couldn't blindly trust her.

 Still, Noel frowned as he tried to gouge her intentions—a Hero and you bear no ill will, you say? He tightened the grip of the humming sword in his hands. What would someone like her want from us? Is it like… a typical fantasy story, and she's here to pick us up? No way, right? He pondered while still gazing into her light emerald eyes. 

 Meanwhile, Chely calmly observed cross-armed to see how the situation would play out. She stayed where she was to avoid rousing their cation further. She locked eyes with Noel, who seemed more distrustful than the others.

 He's glaring a bit too hard… Chely remarked inwardly.

 "Noel Karlsson, are you not staring too much? I am a Lady and will become bashful at such a prolonged gaze," Chely jested, trying to break the tension a little by copying her close friend Keilyn.

 She had noticed Noel to be quite adaptable in playing along, but her supposed bashfulness was far from convincing—she didn't appear as a shy maiden at all since her crossed arms and calm face exuded confidence instead.


 What the…? Noel's eyes flashed mild surprise as they widened. She's a bit condescending, but I see what she's trying to do. But… is she really bothered? Hmm, I think I have an idea, he plotted.

 "Sorry about that. You're pretty, so I couldn't help but stare."

 Noel's response was casual with a hint of sarcasm, causing Chely to flinch a little. It was as if she didn't pick up the queue. Her eyes widened slightly. She averted her gaze and frowned. Her arms were still crossed, but it looked more like she was hugging herself out of bashfulness rather than being defensive to Noel.

 "I wasn't looking for a compliment," she replied calmly, yet avoided his eyes.

 Surprised that his sarcasm went over her head, he grinned. "Is that so~?" he asked, now playful instead, which caused Chely to step back.

 Huh? She broke character. Well, ain't that cute? I might as well run with it, Noel thought.

 "Is that so? All I did was answer your question. Was it a compliment? In that case, I should give you a proper one! You're pretty, can I keep staring?" he teasingly asked, trying to gouge her reaction—perhaps she's more friendly than I first thought, he thought.


What's with this guy?! The audacity! Chely exclaimed inwardly. "…Whatever, as you wish," she said dismissively.

 "Okay—stareeee~" Noel replied, blatantly staring harder.

 Chely felt his gaze and tried to ignore it, looking at the other wanderers to see if they had inquiries for her. Most of them averted their eyes but the few who looked observed quietly.

"Stareee~" Noel said.

 Why is he saying it out loud?! Urk… just ignore him…

 "…" She closed her eyes, trying to block him from her consciousness.

 "I take it back," he suddenly said, stroking his chin. "Instead of pretty. You're very beautiful." Of course, Noel made sure to emphasize the 'very' while smirking.

 "…!? H-hmph… I-I don't care, but… are you flattering me just to annoy me?" she inquired, her gaze now turned somewhat hostile but not in the dangerous sense.

 "…Huh? You noticed? Sorry, sorry, ah-haha~." Just like that, Noel laughed it off.

 The bewildered Chely couldn't understand the man before her at all. He was hostile towards her a moment ago, and now he's joking around—he's been teasing me all this while?! She wondered, her face reddened at the thought.

 The others slowly backed away from Noel as they noticed Chely's red face. They whispered among themselves as they felt her red face wasn't due to shyness. With an apparent scowl on her complexion, Chely bubbled on the inside, clenching her fists.

 Noel's sword disappeared, and he laughed playfully at the sight, his palm resting on his neck. "Okay, okay, some of it was flattery. But I must admit that most of it was genuine—even though I made it sound like it wasn't, I did mean it," he said, grinning cheerfully.


—Poof… Somehow, Chely's exasperation vanishes, poofing away with the steam reeking from her flushed face.

 "Sh-shut up!" Chely exclaimed, stomping the ground lightly—in the blink of an eye, she disappeared and reappeared before Noel, grabbing his collar. "Can you still say that to my face?!" she prompted, looking into his silver-blue eyes.

 "…" Noel froze momentarily, and the others jolted backward once they realized she'd closed the distance in a blink.

 "…Hmph, you're all talk after—"

 "Yeah," Noel said plainly. He leaned closer to her, his head tilting slightly to the side as he squinted his eyes. "Closer up, you're actually really adorable as well—"

 Yeah, I'm totally screwed if I played this wrong… but she does smell kinda good… it's sweet like pastry? Noel noted as sweat from nerves trickled down his back.

 To be frank, Noel thought he'd be slapped, but surprisingly, Chely hasn't uttered a single word since. And before she could, Alum had stepped forth and pulled him away from her with ease since her grip wasn't firm to begin with. 

 "That's enough." Alum's monotone voice chilled everyone, except it did not affect Chely. "Noel, you shouldn't push her buttons." He gave Noel a light scolding, surprising him since he thought Alum was still injured. Alum then turned towards Chely. "And you. I get that you bear no ill will, but why are you here?"

 Chely felt a dense surge of mana radiating from Alum as he looked at her with hostile eyes—snapping her out of whatever mood Noel put her in. Unlike his unpredictable playfulness, she was more used to people like Alum. But…

 It's him… the feeling is similar but different, Chely thought. I'm sure that the strong curse I felt from the sky is from him, but now, it's just raw mana—it must be him, right?

 She placed a palm on her heart gracefully. "I apologize for my strange behavior." Her expression turned stern. "I might not care how you address me. However, that does not mean that my subordinates will not. And so, in the meantime, address me as Chely and not you."

 "Alright, got it, Chely."



 "Psst, Alum, I think you're meant to introduce yourself," Noel whispered.

 "Alum Miller."

 "…Right, Alum Miller—"

 "Just Alum is fine. So? Why are you here?"

 Chely paused momentarily; she had been ready to answer their questions, but Noel had thrown her off so much that she almost forgot.

 "The reason? The reason I am here is to welcome you, Wanderers. I might have seemed like a threat, but I assure you, I am here to protect you as we await the airship to pick us up," she answered calmly. 

 "I see. Why?" Alum asked.

 "Why…?" Chely wasn't sure she could find the right words, but… "If I had to state a reason, it would be that Wanderers from another world who retain their reason are valuable. We want to learn about your culture, technologies, and history but also to help you integrate into our society."

 "I see. When will the airship arrive?"

 Is he taking my words at face value? He isn't, right? Bewildered, Chely replied, "Today at dusk," as she subtly glanced towards Noel. When their eyes met, she frowned, causing him to chuckle lightly.

 "I apologize for my friend," Alum said calmly, but did find the situation between her and Noel amusing. "—My friend is into women like you, Chely," he smirked, almost condescending, even though it was meant as a joke.


 Noel froze solid as those words came out. It was as if he could shatter at any moment. Meanwhile, Chely's eyes shook briefly before slowly backing away from Noel, hugging herself.

 "Wh-wha…? S-so… you were leering at me?!" she shrieked, her face flushed. Her lips were tightly sealed as if she bit them.

 "Nonononono!" Noel shook his head desperately, his hands rattled back and forth.  "Like… couldn't you have used the word 'admiring' instead?!" he retorted, then turned to his best friend and grabbed him by the collar. "And Alum, why are you outing me like that?!"

 Alum shrugged as Noel shook him for answers. "Because. It's. Amusing?" he replied, tilting his head slightly to the side.

 "Curse you!" Noel cried and looked to the side while clenching his first.

 He's quite literally already cursed… Chely commented in her mind but also noticed that Noel's reaction was a little too exaggerated to be taken literally—unless people from his world express themselves like that, but I don't know yet... A small sigh escaped her slightly parted lips.

 "So you were leering…" she mumbled aloud while tightening her self-embrace. But her words drowned in the rustling of the grass dancing in the winds.

 Those watching couldn't keep up. Miu almost chuckled but managed to hold it in—no matter how one saw it, the situation was bizarre—this must be a dream, she thought. It must be… after all, Noe-chi practically found his dream girl… And so, she sighed inwardly.

  David, who'd been on guard, sighed as his spear dematerialized. Next to him was Emely. Prior to him breaking Chely and Noel apart, he'd shaken her off—she worried since he still seemed injured but exhaled in relief now that he seemed fine. Her legs wobbled, on the verge of collapse. But before she fell to her knees, David grabbed her by the arm and gently softened the landing.

 "Thank you, David…" Emely said warmly as she looked up at David's calm face.

 "No worries," David replied, quickly looking elsewhere—as expected, Alum is getting things done; now we know a few things. Still, I'm impressed Noel found a minor vulnerability in their short exchange and ran with it—is he really that good at reading people? Whatever the case, he made her seem more trustworthy by lowering her guard.

 Then he happened to overhear Lova. "Ah… I see, she's one of those," she said out of nowhere.

 "What do you mean?" Lena asked Lova in a whisper, even though Lova was actually just talking to herself.

 "Oh? Did I say that out loud? Err… well, I mean, she's hot and cold, right? I first thought she feigned being flustered, but it really does seem like Noel got under her skin with those plain compliments. Oddly enough, she feels like one of those sheltered girls," Lova replied, shrugging.

 "So you're saying she's actually quite easy?" On the other hand, Julia wasn't amused by what she saw.

 Woah… she's blatantly hostile towards The Hero… Lova and Lena thought.

 "I wouldn't say that, um… perhaps inexperienced?" Lena suggested.

 "Like you?" Lova said, poking Lena's cheek teasingly.

 "Y-you didn't have to say it like that…"

 "Oh? Your face is getting hotter. Aww~ the only innocent ones our age are probably you and Miu. Oh, but I guess Miu can handle herself."

 Lena sulked; she knew precisely what Lova was getting at, but it didn't mean her pride wasn't hurt, even if a little. "And what's wrong with that…?" she began to whisper. "I've had someone I liked since childhood… is that so wrong…?"

 Instead, Julia comforted her by hugging her. "Don't listen to Lova's nonsense—it's actually what makes you cute," she said reassuringly.

 "Ah! Julia, you stole my line!" Lova proclaimed since it was she that was supposed to comfort her.

 Awkwardly listening in on the girls, Daniel teasingly nudged Kurt with his elbow. "You heard that? Someone she's liked since childhood," he whispered in a low voice.

 "…" Kurt didn't respond—I have my reason, okay? He thought but couldn't hide that he was happy—who else could it be? He was her only childhood friend at the university, after all.

 Kevin, on the other hand, watched Noel, almost in awe. "Damn… dude rolls 20's consecutively just like that? Ain't no way this is real…" he mumbled to himself.

 Of course, that left both Daniel and Kurt somewhat speechless.



Present day Ilifelen calendar, year 5212, Meain, 7th.

 A blanket softly rustled in a private room on the military base; a girl nuzzled her pillow as the sunlight pierced through the curtains. Her long, silver-grey silky hair was pressed between her face and the pillow; as she turned, hair would cling to her cheek.

 The girl stirred as she enveloped the blanket in her embrace. The warmth was gentle, but her body was slightly numb. Her eyelids flickered slowly. Her gem-like amethyst eyes invited the soft morning sun into her world.

 "Mmnh?" the girl stared at the unfamiliar ceiling.

 As she got up, her hair gently trickled off her cheek gracefully as if to straighten itself. She brushed her finger along her cheek; her skin was usually soft and smooth, but the imprint left by her silky hair had caused small ripples.

 The girl pinched her cheeks, massaging them a little as if to fix the ripples. She then raised her arms over her head; her cape-like wide sleeves flowed along gracefully as she stretched lightly.

 "Nnnh… that's nice," her voice low and slightly rasp. "Ahem…" she cleared her throat and noticed the glass of water beside the bed. She took a few sips. "Ah…? Aah?" slowly and gently, she began to tune her raspy voice without straining herself. 

 "La~laa~" She closed her eyes, listening to her tune until she until her voice returned. "♪ La~laa~la~la~" Her beautiful voice began to return—chirp and small birds chirped outside her window.

 She slowly opened her eyes, smiling warmly. "Good morning," she sweetly greeted the birds.

 "Chirp, chirp!" they fluttered their wings, jumping up and down.

 Gradually, the girl began to remember why she was here—she wasn't physically injured per se. It was her mana foundation, which had shattered. However, the girl wasn't too worried since it wasn't the first time it had happened to her.

 Of course, this was kept a secret in her medical profile. After all, she was one of the few in history who recovered from a broken mana foundation. So, for anyone else, this should've devastated their magical career.

 Even though she did not worry too much, she also carried guilt because of it. She is blessed, and she always had to make sure not to take anything for granted. But simultaneously, she realized that her long head covering was gone—she looked down at her white robe-like dress. The light brown wrap belt with the same gold trims as her dress.

 "Phew…" she heaved a sigh of relief, her palm gently resting on her chest.

 The girl wouldn't know what to do if someone had changed her in her sleep—she hadn't needed help to change ever since she was a child. What if they were to discover that their saint bandaged her chest to appear more modest? And even though her bosom wasn't as ample as her sister's, she had always felt uncomfortable ever since she entered puberty—and since then, she'd been hiding them despite the slight discomfort caused by the bandages.

 "Nnh?" the girl then noticed a box beside the glass of water—to my dearest Ame, Big Sis have bought your favorite treats for you! Eat them soon, and get well! The girl read the message in her mind, giggling softly at the loving gesture.

 Inside the box was sweet steamed bread from her favorite bakery. Her eyes sparkled at the sight. Reluctantly, she glanced around the room and took a nib at the treat—instantly, crumbs latched onto her lips, and the sweetness enveloped her taste buds as the sweet, sour fruit jam inside popped and fizzled in her mouth like fireworks.

 "Mmm! I'm melting. It's always such a treat—not too sweet, very fluffy, and slightly sour—it's the best!"

 Happily, the girl munched them down slowly and deliciously—suddenly, the door to her room slid open; her eyes met a girl dressed similar to her—except she didn't wear a head covering, and her robe-like dress was frilled and less plain and flat compared to hers.

 "Ame… sigh…" the girl closed the door behind her and walked closer to her friend Amethely. "I was worried, but I'm glad you have an appetite," the girl warmly smiled.

 "Kei… I'm sorry for worrying you," Amethely replied somewhat bashfully, lowering her gaze as she put away the treat in her hand.

 "Well, you're okay, and that's what matters—also, don't worry, we didn't change you out of your original attire—we used cleansing magic, but I hope sleeping with those clothes wasn't uncomfortable."

 "Ehehehe~ Kei, thank you, but…" Amethely giggled as she then gave her friend Keilyn an innocent, smug look. "I keep my dress simple and plain! It's not complicated and very comfortable no matter what!" she proudly declared.

 "…Are you seriously teasing me the first thing in the morning about the design I chose?" Keilyn's eye twitched as she replied in mock annoyance.

 "…?" Confused, Amethely tilted her head slightly.

 "Never mind," Keilyn said, sitting down on the bed. "Anyways, Wanderers from another world will arrive two days from now, and the church will hold a welcoming for them."

 "Nnn, I know," Amethely replied gracefully.

 "Will you be okay?" Keilyn raised an eyebrow.

 "I-I will!" Amethely exclaimed cheerfully.

 "You're grabbing onto the blanket, and your hands are trembling slightly."

 "…B-but they're strangers… and from another world so… double the stranger?" Amethely replied but seemed to ponder over her own words as well.


 Keilyn heaved a deep sigh—how is it even possible that a saint is this terribly shy around people? Although she has a switch, I can't help but worry she'll fumble…