Full moon part 1

"Okay I think that's enough for today, Happy birthday to you pumpkin" He pulled me into his bear hugs, I leaned into the hold. Ronald has been more of a dad to me all this years. I have been coming over to the shooting range since I was 15, my first gun was a beretta px4 storm.

"Here I got you this" I snapped my head towards his direction, He stretched out a box, Pulling him into a hug once more, he chuckled "You don't know what's in it, come on open it I was to see your eyes when you see them" He seemed really anxious if it was anything like last year's gift it was a pen pocket knife.

" Okay now I'm eager" I pulled away the lid, squealing as I pulled the protection off it was a tazer. "Holy shit it's a POLICE Stun Gun 800-30 Billion Mini Rechargeable with LED Flashlight"

"Calm down pumpkin, before you go all gun geek on me" He stopped me with a light chuckle, " I want to hurt someone" I squealed hugging him once more, " Thank you so much, this is probably the best gift I'll get" He smiled

" You are turning 18, those boy will be a pest now more than ever"

" Yeah boys" my voice trailed of as the fear seeped back in, blinking them away, I took a deep breath as I noticed a few people step into the range.

Packing up my new play toy, I placed it into my backpack, " Im starving, I barely had lunch" I mummured to myself, " Alright kiddo, I need to get back to work have fun today" Nodding as I walked back into the sunset.

it was breath taking, 'You are a murderer' The tiny voice in my head filled my thoughts, filling them out, " They came at me first, I didn't" Taking a few turn as the forest humid temperature hits my face I felt the sudden wave of coolness hit me.

Taking a few turns to my favorite stop, It was a spot I discovered a few years ago, I only took Diego and Paige there the night we got too drunk to stay home, " Breathtaking as always" I whispered to my self standing in the edge of the cliff the..... surrounding it was probably so cold.

Stripping out if my out fit, I picked out my blood stained outfit, taking a deep breath, I dived into the water landing a triple flip ****. Screaming as I surfaced back to the top, the water was freezing, Washing out the blood into the water the cloth was good as new.

"Shit" I cursed the cold hitting me in waves but it was only for a while as my body naturally adapted to the foreign temperature, Closing my eyes as I kept swimming around, "I'll forget all that happened today" I whispered to myself, as I walked back to my bag.

"Fucking annoying" I cursed as I grimace maybe washing off the blood wasn't such a good idea. " Well rip to my novels, I played it carefully into my bag as I pulled out my phone.

I got a text from my mom.

"LOVE, I need you to come home" Placing the phone back into my bag, I dressed up once more, Pulling my hoodie as I snuggled into the warmth, looking up the full moon was out, " Full moon" I said to no one in particular. When you watch and read as much as I do you become a bit sceptical about the full moon.

Snapping my head back, The snaps in the woods circled around me, that was my cue, sprinting into the woods, I heard the sounds follow, "What the actual fuck" I screaming increasing my pace, a small yelp escaped my lips as I tripped on a stump tooling down the hill.

"Today is not my day" I cried out as my new outfit was back to being dirty and I felt a small stab on my thighs, looking in the direction of what was chasing me, "Who the hell are you" I winced pulling out the thing from my thigh screaming as the pain shoot up tears to my vision.

Looking forward as a wolf emerged from the wood, "Okay I'm dead" I limped backwards about to run but the pain way nerve-racking, "Stay the hell away from me" I hissed as the wolf took strides towards me. Falling backwards as I shut my eyes screaming, no it wasn't screaming did I just roar.

I heard a yelp, peeling them back open the wolf sprinted into the wood I could feel the fear radiate of it, "What the fuck just happened" Looking back at my thigh it was, "No it can... it can't be" It was healing, That was true I got shot how the fuck did I get shot and I forgot about it.

Pulling the scar from the gunshots it was healed completely, my heart rate spiked up as I gasped for air, I was having a panic attacks.

"10, 9, 8, ,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I repeated my favorite calming mantra from teen wolf, three three thin.. ao that cannot be hidden. The sun the moon and the ... the truth" I stuttered the tears falling free. What is happening to me.

Crying in the floor for what seemed like hours but it was probably around 30 minutes, my voice was raspy my throat hurts and my legs were wobbly, picking up my phone I decided to call Diego "Holy shit where the hell are you" He sounds pissed.

I took a deep breath, " I'm sorry please come get me" I whispered the tears threatening to spilling over once more, " are you okay? Turn on your location and I'll come get you" Worry laced his once angry tone, I heard Paige's voice in the background but I couldn't make out what she was saying.

Walking out of the woods, my hands were trembling, the images of the night replayed in my head like an horror movie and I was stuck as a cast, Seeing Diego's car pull up in front of me. " Hey Oliie" I heard him call my name but I refused to look up.

" Shit what the hell happened to you" He took in my state, Falling into his arms he wrapped his arms around my waist, " I want to go home" I mummured into his shoulders " Okay love, we will talk when you are calm" with his arms still around my waist he guides me towards his car.

" Today sucked" I mummured before drifting off to sleep, " Hey come on you are home" I felt a soft finger grace my chin, jerking up I fell out if the seat onto the floor." Dudee what the hell happened to you?" He noticed the mud patch on my chin.

"A wolf, trued to kill me when I went for a swim" I looked up at him, "Holy shit" The tears were back again as I walked into my home the smell of mashed potatoes and chicken filled my nose, That was all it took. " Oh my God my baby what happened?" My mum pulled my into her warm hug.

"Wolf attack in the woods" I managed to squeeze out, "How, its not supposed to be possible I saw my dad pock out his head, "I know dad, but it was a wolf, I tripped while running hence the mud and then it just left me alone" I said to myself.

I noticed the look exchanged by Diego and Paige , "You should not go out into the wood all alone again" She scolded, I smiled up at them. "Let me go get changed I'll be down in a few. Walking up to my room I passed by my little brother Lucas room.

Pushing his door open he was lying on the couch sleeping so peaceful, " I love you so much" I closed his door I walked into my room, pulling my dirty clothes over my head, all the pain I was in or I felt were completely gone no trace of the left.

"Well kill me" Walking into my bathroom I took a quick warm bath, walking back out I pulled out a new black hoodie and a pair of blue bike shorts. "I need a break from this shit" Putting on my out fit I placed my wet clothes into the laundry.

Plugging in my phone I was was grateful nothing in my bag got broken during the fall. " well let's go celebrate" Walking down the stairs I heard hushed voices, "She is in changing you can see it for a split second her eyes changed".

I was about to listen in to Diego and his sister conversation when I tripped over a piece of blue Lego blocks, leaning towards the railings to help me from tumbling down the flight of stairs, "Are you okay up there"

"Yeah" I wincing leaping all the way down to the foot of the stairs to my friends and family around the dinner table, "Happy birthday to you" They all yelled as I took a sit in from of the cake, A"make a wish"

I sent my mum an eye roll but I did it anyways closing my eyes, I made a wish, blowing out my candles the rest of the night passed out into a blur, I managed to keep the days activities out of my head.