Dragon Body Strengthening Art

Just as Li Shin was taken aback by the unexpected appearance of the Sword of Birth within his sea of consciousness. The Pagoda-shaped sword began to flicker and blaze as if it sensed something, and a dazzling white light shot out and extended in all directions.

The rushing dazzling light transformed instantly into illumination that enveloped Li Shin's consciousness within.


Li Shin screamed in agony, the sensation of a sharp, heartbreaking sword coursing through his body. It was excruciatingly painful, and it burned all over his body.

Li Shin opened his eyes again not long after, and his entire body was drenched in sweat.

"What exactly is this? Art of Dragon Body Strengthening?!" Li Shin muttered inadvertently.

Li Shin's eyes were wide with surprise, and his smile could not be hidden. Despite his knowledge of numerous cultivation methods, none of them could compete with the Dragon Body Strengthening Art.

Li Shin surprisingly obtained a mysterious cultivation method after emerging from his sea of consciousness.

Despite the fact that he was unaware of this cultivation method, Li Shin was convinced that it was far superior to all of the cultivation methods he had cultivated in his previous life!

Even as a supreme cultivator in his previous life, Li Shin had never seen such a powerful technique. Of course, Li Shin must take advantage of the opportunity to study it for himself.

Not only that, but he was convinced that this combat skill was far more powerful than any of the skills he had honed in his previous life!

"If I had learned this Dragon Body Strengthening Art in my previous life, I would not have had to commit suicide in front of those traitors." Li Shin muttered, his heart heavy with regret.

But the sword of birth that sat in his sea of consciousness was too enigmatic. Li Shin had only had a hazy understanding of it before, but now he felt foolish for not knowing anything about the birth sword.

"Wait a minute, if the soul of the birth sword exists in my sea of consciousness. What about this life's birth sword?" Li Shin questioned his own heart. But there was no way to respond to something he didn't know.

"Who knows, maybe if I come across the rebirth sword again, I'll have to get it so it doesn't fall into the hands of the wrong people!" Li Shin thought to himself.

Finally, Li Shin decided to practice this enigmatic Dragon Body Strengthening Art. But first, he had to cleanse his body of the poison impurities that had blocked all of his meridian pathways.

Li Shin immediately swallowed the Blood Pill he had received from Xia Xiang.


A pleasant sensation began to emerge. Li Shin was aware that the medicine's effects were already manifesting in his body. Three years ago, the Li Family provided many excellent Pills, including the Blood Pill.

However, his old self was unable to digest it or benefit from the herbal ingredients in the Blood Pill and the many Pills he had previously consumed.

Ignoring this, Li Shin immediately closed his eyes and began cultivating using the Dragon Body Strengthening Art method, carefully controlling the strands of medicinal power.

Time has just flown by.

Li Shin, whose eyes were closed, didn't notice anything. The strands of spiritual energy that were surrounding him were slowly drawn into his body and quickly began to replenish the Qi energy consumed by his body.

The Blood Pill had to be said to be extremely effective. However, it is entirely dependent on who consumes it. More than half of Li Shin's damaged meridians had been repaired in less than two hours.

The others recovered quickly as well. Even more surprising to Li Shin was the fact that a large amount of Qi energy was once again gushing out of his body, causing his previously crippled Dantian to begin storing Qi energy.

At the very least, this progression caused Li Shin to gradually become a cultivator. Some of this Qi energy was released as a result of the existence of the birth sword soul, while others were released as a result of refining pills and the spiritual energy in the surroundings.

Cultivation is typically accomplished by storing Qi energy in the lower abdomen in the form of his endless vortex in his dantian.

With his dantian crippled, all Qi energy would naturally dissipate, but thanks to the birth sword's characteristics, Qi energy would be stored in Li Shin's body via the Dragon Body Strengthening Art method.

Li Shin opened his eyes again, then smelled the foul odor emanating from his limbs through the pores of every skin.

"I ate a lot of poison the day before. Even a well-known healer is unable to detect it." With a sigh, Li Shin said.

Li Shin's talentless body was one of the reasons he left the Li family in his previous life. Everyone assumed Li Shin's body was deformed and that he would never enter the path of cultivation in his life.

The encounter with the birth sword, however, changes everything. Li Shin was now able to determine the state of his own body earlier than he should have in his previous life.

With the memories from his previous life, it would undoubtedly be of great benefit and assistance to him in the future.

Fortunately, Li Shin had already filled the pool in the backyard with clean water, allowing him to bathe at night.


Li Shin walked right into the small pond without taking off his clothes. Immediately, the previously clear water turned pitch black and smelled foul.

"It's incredible to be born with a sword Soul. Furthermore, the Dragon body strengthening Art method is truly incredible. It's only been two hours, but my cultivation has risen so dramatically that I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakthrough!" Li Shin sighed inwardly. Then he emerged from the now-dirty small pool.

A cultivator begins as a Martial Beginner and must refine Qi energy through the nine meridians in his body before gathering it and forming Qi energy centered within his dantian.

The existence of the birth sword, on the other hand, treated the cultivator's body as a large vessel, and if Li Shin desired it, any meridians could refine and release unstoppable Qi energy.

Furthermore, as Li Shin's Dragon body strengthening Art progressed, the amount of Qi energy contained within his body would be many times greater than that of a Cultivator of the same level.

This was an unexpected benefit that defied logic.