
The atmosphere between them appeared awkward. A man had seen the girl's back in a book he had read. He was unable to remarry as a result of this action.

However, the girl has an unusual background, and a man looks at her back. The man will then be executed.

At the same time, the man was her assistant, and she didn't want bad luck to fall on him. Now the girl was looking at Li Shin with a puzzled expression "Can you not say anything about this?."

"Of course not!." Li Shin responded with a nod, indicating that he understood the girl's words better.

Li Shin would not risk any of his actions and would keep a low profile until he was truly strong.

"Like our previous agreement, take this; it's the only pill I have right now." Of course, the girl wanted to pay more, but she only had one body refining pill left.

"Then I must depart!" After receiving it, Li Shin immediately chose to leave and canceled his intention of finding the whereabouts of the beasts and practicing his fighting techniques.

That was because thousands of powerful cultivators had arrived shortly after Li Shin's departure. They all had tough mounts, and some flew over the trees in large birds.

From afar, a loud but cohesive sound could be heard.

"Ah! My God! Young lady, what happened to you?" screamed a middle-aged woman dressed in white as she ran.

A cloud of smoke was visible behind the woman. It was a group of armored warriors. Their armor bore three golden circles, indicating their not-so-low position. They were 500 elite troops, each with their own iron dragon horse.

These beasts had the appearance of horses and the ferocity of beasts. They were, however, larger than horses and had jet black fur. They have silver scales and are thought to be descended from dragons.

The squad's leader was dressed in black armor with flames on it. He was tall and fair-skinned, with a thin mustache and appeared to be in his forties.

The person who rode the Vermillion Bird in the sky for reconnaissance also descended from a height and came to a stop next to the elite troops.

Anyone who saw the existence of these elite troops shivered, the smell of fresh blood emanating from each of their bodies.

"Hmph! You're all running late." In displeasure, the girl snorted coldly. Although she was relieved by Li Shin's rescue, the girl was disappointed by the late arrival of these elite troops.

"We deserve to perish!" The iron man knelt down on the ground. Behind him, up to 500 elite troops did the same thing.

"We deserve to perish!"

Instead of giving a response "What is in that direction?" the girl asked, pointing to the spot where Li Shin had vanished earlier.

"That is the Changxia city!" The personal maid, a middle-aged woman, responded.

"I know Changxia City is the nearest town. But that's not what I'm after. I'm curious about the power!" The girl was no longer paying attention to the woman or the man, but was instead looking in the direction Li Shin had gone before.

"In response to Miss, it's a small town that isn't worth mentioning!" The iron man responded immediately.

"Oh! Why is it this way?..." With a curious expression, the girl inquired.

"Chanxia City is dominated by two families: the Shen family and the Li family." They cannot be compared to the capital's main families because of their border presence." The man shared his knowledge.

How could the youth who possessed previous heaven-defying medical skills come from such a lowly family, the girl was having difficulty believing her hearing.

However, the girl will recall the existence of the two main families in Changxia. He assumed the young man came from one of those families.

"We're going to Changxia." The girl replied and proceeded to walk towards the Vermillion bird, which would serve as her mount.

The girl's assassination attempt had failed. The Vermillion Bird did an excellent job of rescuing it. Perhaps he wouldn't have met his savior if that Vermillion bird hadn't taken him to the northern mountain.

"Young lady, we still have to return for safety, not to prevent another assassination attempt; your Majesty is very concerned about your current condition!" the personal maid immediately reminded the girl. However, when she saw the young Miss's expression, she immediately closed her mouth.

"That's right miss, for a small town like Changxia city, you shouldn't neglect safety," the personal maid said to the iron man.

"Please reconsider, young lady!" everyone in uniform exclaimed.

The girl didn't say anything else because she knew what was going on. Fortunately, he survived the first assassination attempt, but there's no way he'll survive the second.

"Let's go back!" the girl said after some thought.

Everyone was relieved right away, not just the young Miss. He also considered everyone's invitation to return.




Li Shin was standing on a tree in the distance at the time. He noticed the girl and her companions leaving the northern mountain.

Actually, he had suspected that the girl possessed great power. Who would have guessed they were from the Shui Empire?

One of the four Empires that managed to survive the chaos era. If I recall correctly, that girl was Shui's daughter, who died at the age of 15 as a result of murder.

Who would have guessed that Li Shin would accidentally save him, altering the course of history? There appears to be a butterfly effect, making the future situation difficult to predict.

"I'm too weak right now and need to get stronger as soon as possible!" Li Shin fists were clenched. While watching the girl and her troops leave for the last time.

Then he turned and disappeared into the distance.

Backtrack to the hill behind the Lis. Xia Xiang, who was concerned about Li Shin's condition, welcomed his arrival.

"Until you're really good, young master. Please refrain from going out again." sincerely stated Xia Xiang.

"Huu! I know, so don't worry about me!" Li Shin responded.