Association Of Alchemists

Li Shin went to the Alchemist Association in Changxia's central city without hesitation.

Li Shin had no trouble discovering the existence of the Alchemist Association. It wasn't until he left the Li family's home that he was greeted by a crowd.

General Kong Lu's arrival seemed to pique everyone's interest. Furthermore, the Alchemist Association was located in a market specially opened in Changxia City to trade with warriors. There were various low and high treasures, weapons, pills, and minerals.

"Eh? Isn't this the useless young master of the Li family? Why would you bring trash to the Alchemist Association?!"

A loud voice called out to Li Shin from behind as he walked into the Alchemist Association, and he turned to look; it was a young man who had come with his lackeys.

Shen Zhinhu is a gifted Shen family young master. Of course, as an apprentice alchemist, he possessed the arrogance of his generation.

He was very excited about General Kong Lu's arrival right now. But his mood deteriorated when he noticed Li Shin in the crowd.

"You!" exclaimed Shen Zhinhu. Of course, Li Shin was familiar with this genius from the Shen family. After leaving the Li family in his previous life. This Shen Zhinhu was prone to misbehaving.

Unfortunately, when Li Shin left Changxia City and entered the Thousand Sword Sect, he no longer saw him and regretted not exacting revenge on him.

Li Shin frowned and tilted his head to look at Shen Zhinhu more closely. Li Shin could only shake his head when he discovered his cultivation level was only Five Star Martial Beginner.

"Hehe, looks like this garbage, can you recognize me?" Shen Zhinhu chuckled.

"You should be aware that the Alchemist Association works with the Shen family. So the rules are very clear: you don't belong here!" Shen Zhinhu triumphantly spoke.

The Shen and Li families were fierce competitors in business. When the Alchemist Association favored the Shen over the Li families. This circumstance undoubtedly elevated the Shen family above the Li family.

The conversation between them immediately drew the attention of many people present. Whatever it was, it was certainly understanding of the Li and Shen families' differences.

"Is he not young master Shen?"

"Young master Shen is a bright young genius!"

"He is already an apprentice alchemist at the age of 15. What an accomplishment!"

How many people who recognize him give him one-sided compliments? Alchemists were highly regarded on the continent of the Coiling Dragons. Even as an apprentice, one can have a promising future.

Shen Zhinhu, a brilliant and talented young master, was a true blessing to the Shen family.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the figure of Li Shin, who stood in front of Shen Zhinhu. He didn't appear flashy, but he had a serene expression on his face.

"Isn't he the Li family's trashy young master?"

"What exactly is he doing here?"

"Of course, he did it to embarrass himself. He's obviously trash, but he's offending Young Master Shen!"

In comparison to Shen Zhinhu, who received only one-sided praise. Li Shin was humiliated on only one side. So far, the Li Family lacked an alchemist, which diminished their dignity.

Shen Zhinhu was overjoyed to hear every compliment and insult directed at Li Shin. He purposefully made a scene in order to gain attention. He also had to thank Li Shin for coming to the Alchemist Association in order to chastise him.

Li Shin's face, on the other hand, was devoid of rage. He simply remained silent, not saying anything. Even though he was irritated, he couldn't argue with Shen Zhinhu because the people who insulted him were just barking dogs who didn't deserve his attention.

At that precise moment, an old man's voice came from the Alchemist Association.

"Stop it, Master Kong Lu is on his way, so don't make a scene." The old man stated unequivocally. Then he turned to look at Shen Zhinhu and Li Shin.

"You are a gifted young man, Shen Zhinhu, and I intend to introduce you to master Kong Lu. For the Shen family to have some sort of relationship with him. So don't let this petty feud bring you down." The man stated casually.

"I get it, teacher!" Shen Zhinhu responded with a polite nod. After all, getting in touch with Kong Lu was more important. Compared to the time spent responding to Li Shin.

"Good luck to you as I am very busy," Shen Zhinhu said coldly to Li Shin.

"Hmph!" Shen Zhinhu left to await General Kong Lu's arrival after it had calmed down.

When an armored carriage arrived, everyone's attention was drawn to it. The carriage was drawn by a large horse with dragon bloodlines. Shui's best horse breed was this one.

Everyone around Li Shin changed their expressions and quickly left to make comments.

Everyone by his side cupped their hands and confirmed the arrival of the middle-aged man. Even if they didn't cup their hands, they would nod and smile at him.

But Li Shin just stood there, motionless. He just looked, then averted his gaze, as if the man was unworthy of his attention!

"Master Kong Lu, welcome to the Alchemist Association of Changxia City!" The old man was the first to greet Kong Lu's arrival.

"Umm!..." Kong Lu simply nodded without saying anything.

The old man was not offended by Kong Lu's demeanor. In addition, the opposing party possessed the Martial General's Peak Star realm. There is no one to be concerned about.

The old man then noticed Shen Zhinhu standing behind him. The young master of the Shen family recognized it right away.

"I really admire you, Master Kong Lu." With a smile, Shen Zhinhu said.

"....." Kong Lu didn't care much for foreign youths, but he understood if he wanted to connect with him.

Unfortunately, Kong Lu had a brief life, so making any connections would be futile.

"Haha! His name is Shen Zhinhu, di is the young master of the Shen family, and he is currently an apprentice alchemist under my tutelage!" replied the old man proudly.

Shen Zhinhu is becoming more visible. Many people were envious of him.

Kong Lu was unconcerned about Shen Zhinhu's talent. He had gone around looking at Shui but couldn't find a solution for his body condition, and he was the only hope for a cure.

Kong Lu simply nodded again as he followed the old man through the crowd to the Alchemist Association's main hall. But, before all of that, a young man stood in their way. Li Shin was the man in question.