skill levels in martial art type skills

[Level 0: a person who is just learning the most basic concepts of martial art. ]

[Level 1: Low-class disciple.

Low Class Disciples are the weakest class of the Disciple Class. The next level is Middle-class Disciple.

The disciples have athletic conditions comparable to Olympic athletes.

A well-trained disciple is capable of taking down juvenile delinquents efficiently.

Athletic human level]

[Level 2: Middle-class Disciple.

They are stronger than normal people and Low-class Disciples, but are weaker than High-class Disciples. They are in the middle part of being a disciple.

It takes around 6 low-class disciples to evenly match a middle-class disciple.

The fighters of this rank begin to show very important physical capacities.

street level. (more or less)]

[Level 3: High-class Disciple.

High-class disciples are stronger than normal-class disciples.

They are also able to defeat them easily and very quickly. High class fighters are weaker than expert class fighters. but they can have a fight for a short time before being defeated.

A group of high-class disciples can defeat an expert-class or even a low-class master, but not against a master-level.

High-class Disciples are close to expert class.

To be ranked as a high-class disciple, it is required to have undergone very intense physical and technical training to reach the level.

Wall level, small building level.]

[Level 4: Expert level.

The Expert is a group of martial artists who are stronger than the three Disciple classes. but they are weaker than a lower class Master. In essence, the Expert class is the mid-level class for martial artists. Although much more powerful and stronger than a disciple, the expert class is also where a martial artist finds himself in his most vulnerable moments. This is most likely due to the fact that the experts have graduated from their "tutorship of masters" and thus must then fend for themselves on their way to becoming a master themselves.

It is said that those of the expert class have two paths, either to become masters or to die, and they are in a very unstable and dangerous state. The Expert class is the longest period for a martial artist and every master has to go through being an expert at some point in his life.

Building level, large building]

[Level 5: Low class master level.

A low-class Master is much weaker than a true Master. A group of High-class Disciples can defeat one, but it will be a bit difficult. They are a group of fighters who did not reach the Master Level.

City block level]

[Level 6: Master level.

A master in his respective martial art. As a master class can be applied to anyone who has mastered their martial arts, many masters tend to vary greatly in strength.

Masters are commonly shown wielding inhuman feats of strength and speed at a level far greater than that of a disciple and Expert. Some have some skill in manipulating the positions of their own organs.

An accomplished teacher exhibits physical qualities that could be considered superhuman.

Level several city blocks]

[Level 7: Super master level.

A Super Master is the next class of a Master Class Martial Artist who has not only mastered their respective Martial Art, but has honed it and taken it to a new level where they are able to perform tasks and fight in a way that a Super Master would not. normal master couldn't do it easily.

Super Masters are basically fighters who have mastered their martial art plus have additional skills and abilities, and practically have more physical abilities.

They also have massive KI (any type of energy) flow capabilities and tend to have enormous physical strength and speed.

Also Super Masters who can defeat other Super Masters with ease are considered as Legendary Masters.

Small Town Level.]

[Level 8: advanced super master level.

Advanced Super Master is one level above Super Master and one level below Legendary Master. This level can be confused with the Legendary Master level due to the tremendous power and abilities that belong to this rank. However, they are not yet legendary masters because they have not yet been considered as legends, invincible or myths in martial arts. Despite being one level below legendary master, the characters found in this classification are quite recognized and respected in the world of martial arts due to their immense power.

Village level, large village.]

[Level 9: Legendary Master Level.

Masters who are capable of going beyond the physical capabilities of a Super Master are considered Legendary Masters, those who have become powerful enough to be considered a legend in the world of martial arts. They are above the great level of mastery.

A battle between two legendary masters has been seen to last for several weeks.

The level of destruction that a fight between 2 fighters of this level shows to be comparable to a natural disaster.

Small city level, city level.]

(The next one added it to complete the 10 levels possibly add more, later)

[Level 10: Low class divine master level.

A level not reached by mortals, a legendary master can barely fight against a medium-serious lower-class divine master. divine masters are those who have transcended and come closest to the gates of the divine realm of gods with their martial arts. but they are still considered class to the other top divine teachers.

Mountain-level, big-mountain-level.]

From the level of high-class disciple, you need to meet all the requirements to continue increasing the level of the skill.

This is only for the protagonist, the other characters do not need the strength requirement to be a master, even though the world he was born in is not a martial arts one, so the master ranks are compared to level 3 : High-class disciple, possibly level 4: expert class.

From the level of high-class disciple, you need to meet all the requirements to continue increasing the level of the skill.

This is only for the protagonist, the other characters do not need the strength requirement to be a master, even though the world he was born in is not a martial arts one, so the master ranks are compared to level 3: High-class disciple, possibly level 4: expert class.

Some characters will increase in skill level with the direct or indirect help of the protagonist.

Use the power levels of kenichi's world martial artists to do it. just remove some words, put some others and put the level of force that each one can exert, but in kenichi's world it is not well specified... but take an approximate. although from the level of the super master I raised them since in the anime they did not show how much they could do and on the page I looked for they did not appear how strong they were. Only hayato appeared with a level that can destroy a village.

But hey, it doesn't matter for my power levels, it's fine.