explosion. (:v)

[Time after]

Takuya was running while he was heading towards the place where makomo is.


While he was passing through an alley, the phone suddenly rang surprising takuya by the sudden sound, but he calmed down and took the phone out of his pocket.

"What's up makomo?" - Takuya asked after answering the phone.

"What's wrong?..." - Takuya asked again after hearing Makomo tell him that something happened.

"That 4 more parasites arrived at the place?... that complicates things..." - Takuya said while he was thinking about how to fight 5 parasites at the same time... but something occurred to him.

"No. Stay and try to listen to what they're talking about, I'll be there soon..." - He said as he sighed, thinking that he should speed up his pace to get there quickly.

"Okay, I'll be there soon..." - Takuya finished saying while he hung up the call.

'What a good opportunity. It's not every day that I'll get so many parasites together at the same time, plus I'll be able to test the destructive power of the red aura when I use it at full capacity ' - Takuya thought as he started running again, but faster this time.

Takuya is thinking that finally, he will be able to free himself a bit by using his power at full power. Previously he barely used his aura and only used it to cover his body or sword, and the only times he releases it beyond his body is when he trains to control it, but that was with small things and some medium ones. . But takuya wants to see if he can really destroy a house if he releases a 100% aura attack.

Makomo had already given him an explanation of the place where the parasite is and how far away it is from the other houses.

Although he is a little disappointed that he won't be able to fight with his sword, but he can't pass up this opportunity.

[Time after]

Takuya had finally arrived at the place where the gps signal was supposed to be, but he already wants to leave because he doesn't like the place...

While he was looking for makomo, she appeared in front of him scaring him a lot.

Fortunately he didn't give a manly scream that could scare makomo, he just kept silent while he grabbed his chest, he felt his heart stop. since makomo appeared through the wall while he was in his ghost form.

"(Sigh) makomo..." - Takuya said as he continued clutching his chest trying to calm his poor heart.

Right now takuya is in a dark and scary place so the sudden appearance of makomo certainly scared him a lot.

"I'm so sorry takuya-sama" - Makomo sincerely apologized as he looked at takuya who was very pale from fright.

"Okay... okay, I'm fine now, tell me what information could you hear? Tell me the summarized version" - Takuya asked feeling a little better, he didn't want Makomo to see it like that. he still has an appearance to maintain... although he doesn't know which one.

"The short version... these parasites are talking about another group of parasites that is against continuing to eat human flesh and wants to try to coexist with humans."

"And this group is very angry with the other group and they only see humans as their cattle..." - Makomo said and you could tell how angry he was.

Well, certainly Takuya didn't get angry about that... well, just a little, since humans also treat other races, species or whatever as our cattle, even humans themselves. but hey, he just needed a reason to kill them so... meh.

"Okay... guide me to the house" - Takuya said as Makomo nodded and this time she walked towards the place for Takuya to follow her.

[Time after]

'Well...it wasn't far, but I don't know how I ended up in an abandoned building and we ended up lost...' - takuya thought as he sighed at his sense of direction. Her sense of direction isn't bad, but that scare certainly disoriented him and makomo didn't know the way as she just went through the walls to the place.

"These in that house is where the parasites are..." - Takuya asked pointing to the house in front of him while Makomo nodded.

"Okay... makomo tries to attract them to the outside or the closest to the exit" - Takuya said while makomo nodded and disappeared from the place.

'I want to finish this quickly since I'm sleepy and I need to train tomorrow...' - Takuya thought as he watched makomo enter the house.

'Ok, let's get ready..' - takuya thought as he activated his aura that covered his body and the sword of Damocles appeared in the sky right above him.

His aura began to gather in his arms as he looked at his target waiting for the parasites to come out.

Takuya knows that he can make an attack that killed them without the need for the parasites to leave the house, but he wants them to be as close to the exit so they won't have time to protect themselves. Although confident, it is better to be safe than sorry.


As takuya prepares to launch a full power attack, makomo had already appeared near the parasites, who didn't know they were going to die today.

The parasites were attentive at this moment, the second takuya activated his aura, all the parasites felt as if something dangerous was nearby and they couldn't deny that they were all really a little scared.

They all took their attack form and were on the lookout for any strange movement.

"What's that?" - asked one of the parasites closest to one of the windows of the house.

All the other parasites looked and what they saw was the sword of Damocles floating in the air along with the red aura that was coming out of takuya's body rising into the sky.

They didn't see takuya since the house has high walls that avoid seeing him.

While the parasites were distracted, makomo seized the opportunity and took his human form as quickly as possible and with a nearby knife cut one of the parasites.

"ARKKK!!" - Shouted the parasite while trying to grab the sword that had a not very deep cut on it.

"That?" - said one of the parasites as he looked at his partner who had a cut on his back, then he looked at the person causing the attack and without much thought used one of his whips and tried to cut him. but makomo was faster, though only fast enough to dodge the attack as he took advantage and slashed at another parasite, careful not to cut too deep.

Makomo stopped at the door drawing the attention of the parasites who tried to attack her again with the thought that if several attack at once the human in front of them would not be able to dodge them.

But Makomo quickly left the house and at full speed headed towards where Takuya was, who was already ready to launch the attack.

"All ready?" - asked takuya while he saw makomo appear next to him, this time he didn't get scared, he was already preparing just in case.

"Mm, they are in the kitchen..." - Makomo said while pointing to the kitchen.

"Mmmm Ok, move away a bit" - takuya agreed and after ordering makomo to get away from him since when he released the attack he would completely release his aura around his body.

Makomo nodded as he stepped away from him, meanwhile takuya sighed as he fully released his aura and it created a dome-like dome around him.

"Ok… I don't have a name for this, but here we go…". - Takuya said in a low voice and then moved his hands from behind to forward and the aura around him along with the one he had gathered in his arms shot out at high speed towards the house in front of him.

The aura spread until it reached the wall in front, takuya pushed his aura further so that it would go through the wall and it will not explode there, the aura went through the wall and continued on its way to the house.

"Ok, I think I'd better stay away..." - Takuya thought as he gave his aura one last push and cut the connection with the attack. then he turned away quickly as he remembered a small detail... the house must have gas inside.

Meanwhile the parasites were feeling like his death was too close, one of them went to check by opening the door and what he found was the red aura right in front of him. letting her enter the house that not long the red aura spread throughout her burning everything and reaching where the gas was found.

The Parasites at this time were already burned to death from exposure to the red aura.


Meanwhile, Takuya was walking away as far as he could without looking back and he only heard the 'Boom' when he had to hide next to a wall to protect himself from the rubble.



Just to say, if you guys are bored and have nothing to do, you can go to my profile and see some of the ff's I wrote, now I have another asset next to this one.

yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system. It only has 10 chapters.

This is all, I hope you liked the chapter.