Chapter 16

So if given the opportunity to live a wealthy life, with no cares about work because you're financially secured, what would you do? Tracy asked Grace while they were cleaning the store with Sam.

Well I'd probably do alot of partying , I know that for sure! Grace said and giggled.

What you'd do Sam? Grace asked.

I'd probably get someone to take care of the baking here and do alot of travelling around the world. You know learn about diferent people, culture, music and such. Sam said and looked at Tracy.

What you'd do Trace? Sam questioned.

I'd probably do a little of both of your answers. Tracy said and laughed.

Anyways girls I've got to go! Sam said as she finished sweeping and placed the broom into the closet.

Do you wanna grab a drink with us now Sam? Grace asked.

Not tonight girls. Tonight I have a dinner to attend which I'm sure is going to have surprises. Sam said and smiled. A few minutes later she left for home to change for her date.

And hour later,  Sam approached the bench she saw Kyle was sitting on, in the park. He looked handsome as ever and held a white rose in his hand. When he saw Sam approaching, his entire body reacted. Sam had on a knee length red, fitted dress with a high slit . And when she walked a small part of his inner thighs showed. Her hair was down and she had on black heels and she looked esquisite.

Hi Kyle,  am I over dressed? Sam said as she reached the bench.

Sam you don't know how beautiful you are and what your beauty does to my body! Kyle whispered close to her ear as he hugged her quickly and handed her the rose.

Tonight is going to be a night filled with sexual innuendos I see! Should I return home and put on some sweats and a crop top? Sam said teasingly.

No, no I'm sorry. I promise to be on my best behavior. Kyle teased enjoying the playtime with Sam.

You ready? Sam asked

Yes I am indeed! Kyle said and they went to his car.

While Kyle drove quietly and Sam looked out the window. Kyle wanted to take her to his house but renovations were being done so he rented a cute, cottage on a lake with a jetty leading far out into the water.

He ensured that the proprietor had set up the projector out in the garden and hanged the stringed lights. He also paid to have hotdogs, popcorn, soda and candies available.

They pulled up to the cottage, Sam was cautious in getting out! Kyle walked around and met her and walked her to the door.

This Kyle is not movie and dancing! Are you taking me here to have your way with me and then dispose of my body? Sam said and  protested as he gently pulled her along.

Sam you have a very active imagination. Have anyone ever said that to you? Wait you'll see! Kyle said and continued grinning as he walked her down a short pathway.

It was then that Sam saw the cozy cottage and fell in love with it. As soon as they entered it, she noticed that there were old books on several shelves and some very interesting ones at it. The rooms were small but could accommodate a family of one. Then Kyle led her outside to the back where she saw the beautiful outdoor movie settings and the long jetty, highlighted with strings of light that lead to a small stage where a music box stood.

You scamp! I knew you were up to something from the time you smiled when I read it! Sam said and laughed.

Is it not a movie and dancing? You should not have counted our fifth lunch in Sam! Kyle said as he smiled wickedly.

So what movie are we looking at? Sam asked as she approached the blanket that laid on the grass and sat down.

Pride and Prejudice! Kyle said and grinned.

Sam watched him and smiled. Her mind had already started working on ways to get back at him for tonight.